Dignidade sexual no metaverso
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Beserra, Carolina Alves de Melo
Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni
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A sociedade está em constante transformação devido às descobertas e avanços
tecnológicos. Este trabalho se concentrará no Metaverso, um ambiente que simula a vida real
e que representa um mundo a ser explorado, especialmente no que diz respeito à
regulamentação legal. Para restringir o campo de análise, foi delimitada a análise dos crimes
contra a dignidade sexual. O aparecimento de denúncias de crimes dessa natureza no
Metaverso e a dificuldade de classificar a conduta juridicamente enfatiza a importância do
tema na atualidade. Portanto, o objetivo principal é verificar se a legislação brasileira prevê
punições para condutas que afetem a dignidade sexual no Metaverso. Dessa forma, será
analisado o que é o Metaverso; quando ocorreu o seu surgimento; o ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro referente aos crimes contra a dignidade sexual e quais são os bens tutelados. Essa
análise será realizada com o objetivo de determinar se a legislação brasileira está
acompanhando as mudanças tecnológicas e se as condutas praticadas contra a dignidade
sexual no Metaverso podem ser consideradas crimes. A metodologia aplicada baseia-se na
pesquisa bibliográfica. Portanto, este trabalho aborda desde a evolução da Internet e do
Metaverso até as implicações que essa transformação trará para o Direito Penal, com foco
especial nos crimes contra a dignidade sexual. Além disso, será realizada uma análise
doutrinária para verificar se a legislação atual pode ser aplicada a condutas dessa natureza
ocorridas em ambiente virtual. A realidade virtual proporcionada pelo Metaverso ganha cada
vez mais destaque. No entanto, embora o Direito Penal se adapte às mudanças na sociedade,
ele não consegue acompanhá-las com a mesma intensidade, como será evidenciado ao longo
deste trabalho.
Society is constantly evolving due to technological discoveries and advancements. This work will focus on the metaverse, an environment that simulates real life and represents a world to be explored, especially in terms of legal regulation. To narrow the scope of the analysis, the examination of crimes against sexual dignity has been delimited. The emergence of reports of crimes of this nature in the metaverse and the difficulty in legally classifying such conduct emphasizes the relevance of this topic in contemporary times. Therefore, the primary objective is to determine if Brazilian legislation provides for punishments for behaviors that affect sexual dignity in the metaverse. In this way, an analysis will be conducted to explore what the metaverse is, when it emerged, the Brazilian legal framework concerning crimes against sexual dignity, and the protected interests. This analysis aims to establish whether Brazilian legislation is keeping pace with technological changes and whether behaviors affecting sexual dignity in the metaverse can be considered crimes. The methodology applied is based on bibliographic research. Hence, this work addresses the evolution of the internet and the metaverse, along with the implications this transformation will have for criminal law, with a specific focus on crimes against sexual dignity. Furthermore, a doctrinal analysis will be conducted to assess whether current legislation can be applied to such conduct occurring in virtual environments. The virtual reality provided by the metaverse is gaining increasing prominence. However, despite the adaptability of criminal law to changes in society, it struggles to keep up with the same intensity, as will be demonstrated throughout this work.
Society is constantly evolving due to technological discoveries and advancements. This work will focus on the metaverse, an environment that simulates real life and represents a world to be explored, especially in terms of legal regulation. To narrow the scope of the analysis, the examination of crimes against sexual dignity has been delimited. The emergence of reports of crimes of this nature in the metaverse and the difficulty in legally classifying such conduct emphasizes the relevance of this topic in contemporary times. Therefore, the primary objective is to determine if Brazilian legislation provides for punishments for behaviors that affect sexual dignity in the metaverse. In this way, an analysis will be conducted to explore what the metaverse is, when it emerged, the Brazilian legal framework concerning crimes against sexual dignity, and the protected interests. This analysis aims to establish whether Brazilian legislation is keeping pace with technological changes and whether behaviors affecting sexual dignity in the metaverse can be considered crimes. The methodology applied is based on bibliographic research. Hence, this work addresses the evolution of the internet and the metaverse, along with the implications this transformation will have for criminal law, with a specific focus on crimes against sexual dignity. Furthermore, a doctrinal analysis will be conducted to assess whether current legislation can be applied to such conduct occurring in virtual environments. The virtual reality provided by the metaverse is gaining increasing prominence. However, despite the adaptability of criminal law to changes in society, it struggles to keep up with the same intensity, as will be demonstrated throughout this work.
dignidade sexual , direito penal , metaverso , criminal law , metaverse , sexual dignity