A petição de herança em face de reconhecimento de união estável post mortem e suas implicações patrimoniais
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Marabiza, Bianca Bella Louzada
Freire, Rodrigo da Cunha Lima
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O objeto deste estudo consiste na análise da temática voltada à petição de herança, no caso de reconhecimento de união estável após a morte, bem como suas implicações patrimoniais, esbarrando na interrupção do prazo prescricional da petição de herança, diante do ajuizamento da ação de reconhecimento de união estável post mortem pelo companheiro sobrevivente. Ainda, buscar-se-á compreender o direito de meação e herança do companheiro, considerando as decisões dos temas 498 e 809 do E. Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) que declararam a inconstitucionalidade do art. 1.790 do Código Civil, equiparando em partes o regime de comunhão parcial de bens ao regime de união estável. No desenvolvimento do estudo, buscar-se-á analisar o entendimento acerca da modulação dos efeitos das referidas decisões do STF, com enfoque na retroatividade (ex tunc) ou prospectividade (ex nunc) além da modulação proposta pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), bem como a interpretação do art. 1.829 do Código Civil (CC). Será realizada também uma análise da aplicabilidade da norma vigente à época do óbito e das jurisprudências pertinentes ao caso. Ao final da pesquisa, pretende-se chegar a conclusões sobre as hipóteses de reabertura da sucessão, a legislação aplicável e as implicações da partilha de bens.
The object of this study consists of analyzing the theme related to the inheritance petition in cases of posthumous recognition of a stable union, along with its patrimonial implications, touching upon the interruption of the inheritance petition's prescriptive period due to the filing of the posthumous recognition of the stable union by the surviving partner. Additionally, the aim is to understand the right to marital property and inheritance of the partner, considering the rulings of topics 498 and 809 of the esteemed Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), which declared the unconstitutionality of Article 1.790 of the Civil Code, partly equating the partial community property regime to the stable union regime. Throughout the study's development, the intention is to analyze the understanding regarding the modulation of the effects of these STF decisions, focusing on retroactivity (ex tunc) or prospectivity (ex nunc), in addition to the modulation proposed by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), as well as the interpretation of Article 1.829 of the Civil Code. Furthermore, there will also be an analysis of the applicability of the law in force at the time of death and the relevant case law. At the end of the research, the goal is to draw conclusions about the possibilities of reopening the succession, the applicable legislation, and the implications of asset distribution.
The object of this study consists of analyzing the theme related to the inheritance petition in cases of posthumous recognition of a stable union, along with its patrimonial implications, touching upon the interruption of the inheritance petition's prescriptive period due to the filing of the posthumous recognition of the stable union by the surviving partner. Additionally, the aim is to understand the right to marital property and inheritance of the partner, considering the rulings of topics 498 and 809 of the esteemed Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), which declared the unconstitutionality of Article 1.790 of the Civil Code, partly equating the partial community property regime to the stable union regime. Throughout the study's development, the intention is to analyze the understanding regarding the modulation of the effects of these STF decisions, focusing on retroactivity (ex tunc) or prospectivity (ex nunc), in addition to the modulation proposed by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), as well as the interpretation of Article 1.829 of the Civil Code. Furthermore, there will also be an analysis of the applicability of the law in force at the time of death and the relevant case law. At the end of the research, the goal is to draw conclusions about the possibilities of reopening the succession, the applicable legislation, and the implications of asset distribution.
petição de herança , reconhecimento de união estável , post mortem , regime de bens , inheritance petition , recognition of stable union , post mortem , property regime