A jornada do herói e a atualização do mito no livro O Ladrão de Raios, de Rick Riordan
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Oliveira, Beatriz Francisco de
Santos, Elaine Cristina Prado dos
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O Ladrão de Raios é o primeiro de cinco livros que compõem a saga de literatura fantástica
Percy Jackson e os Olimpianos. O livro narra a história de Percy, um garoto de doze anos, que
reside no estado de Nova Iorque, nos Estados Unidos. Um evento modifica sua vida, e este
toma conhecimento de que os deuses do Olimpo ainda existem, e se relacionam com os seres
humanos dando origem aos semideuses, e, para a surpresa de Percy, ele é um deles. Um
equívoco faz com que o jovem seja acusado de roubar o raio de Zeus, agora não somente o pai
dos deuses como outras forças malignas estão atrás dele para obter o poder do raio. Além
disso, sua mãe foi raptada por Hades, e Percy deseja resgatar sua mãe e provar sua inocência.
Inserido em um mundo repleto de criaturas monstruosas, deuses e seres mágicos, o jovem
inicia sua jornada enfrentando seres mitológicos no século XXI. O presente trabalho, sob a
perspectiva da narrativa mítica, tem por objetivo contextualizar a jornada do herói, alicerçada
pelas leituras de Joseph Campbell e de Christopher Vogler, no livro O Ladrão de Raios, com
a finalidade de analisar o conceito de mito, segundo o conceito de Mircea Eliade e Karen
Armstrong, para poder verificar de que forma Rick Riordan atualizou a narrativa da jornada
do herói em Percy Jackson, e se este pode ser considerado um herói moderno. Rick Riordan
trouxe para sua obra uma estrutura semelhante à clássica; entretanto inseriu temas atuais como
adolescência e problemas de aprendizagem. Eis um desafio como proposta de trabalho para a
jornada do herói. Embora Percy Jackson seja o adolescente inserido em um universo de
problemas atuais, ele representa a jornada de um herói em uma narrativa. E sendo assim, esta
pesquisa se torna relevante para o âmbito acadêmico ao trazer para o campo do estudo de
Letras livros de literatura fantástica, sob uma ótica diferente, muitas vezes do que é aclamado
como um cânone pela academia, ao quebrar estereótipos relacionados a temas e livros
considerados apropriados dentro da sociedade elitizada.
The Lightning Thief is the first of five books comprising the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series in the realm of fantasy literature. The book narrates the story of Percy, a twelve-year-old boy residing in the state of New York, United States. An event alters his life as he discovers that the Olympian gods still exist and interact with humans, giving rise to demigods. To Percy's surprise, he is one of them. A misunderstanding leads to accusations of stealing Zeus' master bolt. Now, not only the father of the gods but also other malevolent forces are after him to seize the power of the lightning bolt. Furthermore, his mother has been kidnapped by Hades, compelling Percy to seek her rescue and prove his innocence. Immersed in a world teeming with monstrous creatures, gods, and magical beings, the young boy embarks on his journey, confronting mythological beings in the 21st century. This study aims, from the perspective of mythical narrative, to contextualize the hero's journey rooted in the readings of Joseph Campbell and Christopher Vogler in the book The Lightning Thief. Its goal is to analyze the concept of myth according to Mircea Eliade and Karen Armstrong, to explore how Rick Riordan updated the narrative of the hero's journey in Percy Jackson and whether he can be deemed a modern hero. Riordan introduced a structure akin to the classical one in his work but intertwined contemporary themes such as adolescence and learning disabilities. This poses a challenge and serves as a work proposal for the hero's journey. Although Percy Jackson embodies the adolescent immersed in modern-day problems, he symbolizes the journey of a hero within a narrative context. Hence, this research becomes pertinent in the academic realm by introducing works of fantasy literature from a different perspective within the field of Literature studies. Often, these works diverge from what is acclaimed as a canon within academia, breaking stereotypes associated with themes and books considered acceptable within elitist society.
The Lightning Thief is the first of five books comprising the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series in the realm of fantasy literature. The book narrates the story of Percy, a twelve-year-old boy residing in the state of New York, United States. An event alters his life as he discovers that the Olympian gods still exist and interact with humans, giving rise to demigods. To Percy's surprise, he is one of them. A misunderstanding leads to accusations of stealing Zeus' master bolt. Now, not only the father of the gods but also other malevolent forces are after him to seize the power of the lightning bolt. Furthermore, his mother has been kidnapped by Hades, compelling Percy to seek her rescue and prove his innocence. Immersed in a world teeming with monstrous creatures, gods, and magical beings, the young boy embarks on his journey, confronting mythological beings in the 21st century. This study aims, from the perspective of mythical narrative, to contextualize the hero's journey rooted in the readings of Joseph Campbell and Christopher Vogler in the book The Lightning Thief. Its goal is to analyze the concept of myth according to Mircea Eliade and Karen Armstrong, to explore how Rick Riordan updated the narrative of the hero's journey in Percy Jackson and whether he can be deemed a modern hero. Riordan introduced a structure akin to the classical one in his work but intertwined contemporary themes such as adolescence and learning disabilities. This poses a challenge and serves as a work proposal for the hero's journey. Although Percy Jackson embodies the adolescent immersed in modern-day problems, he symbolizes the journey of a hero within a narrative context. Hence, this research becomes pertinent in the academic realm by introducing works of fantasy literature from a different perspective within the field of Literature studies. Often, these works diverge from what is acclaimed as a canon within academia, breaking stereotypes associated with themes and books considered acceptable within elitist society.
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mitologia , jornada do herói , herói contemporâneo , Percy Jackson