Madame Bovary, de Gustave Flaubert e The House of Mirth, de Edith Wharton: estudo e comparação de duas protagonistas da literatura realista
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Rodrigues, Daniela Bulgarelli
Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
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Emma Bovary e Lily Bart, protagonistas dos romances Madame Bovary (1856), de
Gustave Flaubert, e A Casa da Alegria (1905), de Edith Wharton, inicialmente não
parecem ter muito em comum, além de serem algumas vezes categorizadas juntas
como pertencendo ao movimento literário Realista: Emma é uma esposa pobre e
idealista do campo, enquanto Lily é uma moça cínica e charmosa de uma antiga
família rica na cidade de Nova York. Entretanto, apesar das aparentes diferenças
entre as duas personagens, elas na verdade são muito mais parecidas do que se
imagina. Este estudo busca primeiramente analisar o contexto histórico-social dos
autores e das duas obras através do trabalho dos historiadores e biógrafos Greg King,
Frederick Brown e Anne Green, apontando como as percepções sociais em relação a
figura e psicologia da mulher podem ter influenciado o desenvolvimento das
protagonistas, e então comparar as duas personagens usando três diferentes pontos
de referência, determinando similaridades e divergências entre elas.
Emma Bovary and Lily Bart, protagonists of the novels Madame Bovary (1856), by Gustave Flaubert, and The House of Mirth (1905), by Edith Wharton, initially do not seem to have very much in common, besides sometimes being categorized together as belonging to the literary movement of Realism: Emma is a poor and idealistic housewife from the country, and Lily, a cynical and charming young lady from an old and rich family from New York City. But, despite the apparent differences between the two characters, they actually possess much more in common than can be imagined. This study seeks to first analyze the social-historical contexts of the authors and of both novels through the works of historians and biographers Greg King, Frederick Brown and Anne Green, pointing out how social perceptions in relation to the figure and psychology of women might have influenced the development of the protagonists, and then to compare both characters using three different points of reference, determining the similarities and divergences between them.
Emma Bovary and Lily Bart, protagonists of the novels Madame Bovary (1856), by Gustave Flaubert, and The House of Mirth (1905), by Edith Wharton, initially do not seem to have very much in common, besides sometimes being categorized together as belonging to the literary movement of Realism: Emma is a poor and idealistic housewife from the country, and Lily, a cynical and charming young lady from an old and rich family from New York City. But, despite the apparent differences between the two characters, they actually possess much more in common than can be imagined. This study seeks to first analyze the social-historical contexts of the authors and of both novels through the works of historians and biographers Greg King, Frederick Brown and Anne Green, pointing out how social perceptions in relation to the figure and psychology of women might have influenced the development of the protagonists, and then to compare both characters using three different points of reference, determining the similarities and divergences between them.
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Emma , Lily , sociedade , sonhos , idealização