Teoria da aprendizagem significativa articulada ao ensino de Língua Portuguesa
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Silva, Natalya Reis da
Martins, Valéria Bussola
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Aplicado pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC), o Sistema de Avaliação da Educação
Básica (Saeb) consolidou dados do contexto educacional no Brasil, e os resultados
evidenciaram o aumento no número de estudantes, entre 2019 e 2021, que não
apresentam habilidades suficientes em Língua Portuguesa (LP). Diante deste
cenário, é fundamental que haja esforços para que os estudantes melhorem seu
desempenho acadêmico e, em especial, no componente curricular de LP, uma vez
que é por meio dele que novos aprendizados são desenvolvidos. Assim, surge o
problema de pesquisa deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC): quais são as
estratégias metodológicas, embasadas na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa
(TAS), que podem auxiliar no processo de ensino da LP no 6º. ano do Ensino
Fundamental (EF)? Com isso, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor o ensino
de LP calcado nos pressupostos teóricos da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa. A
escolha por essa teoria se justifica por critérios de interesse acadêmico, já a escolha
pelo 6º. do Ensino Fundamental se dá porque é a partir desta etapa que se amplia o
número de professores responsáveis por cada um dos componentes curriculares,
além de que é nessa fase que se diversifica o contato dos estudantes com gêneros
textuais relacionados a vários campos de atuação e a várias disciplinas. A fim de
responder o problema de pesquisa e atingir o objetivo explicitado, em termos
metodológicos, este TCC partiu de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a Teoria da
Aprendizagem Significativa e metodologias de ensino da LP na atualidade. Na
sequência, foram elaborados planos de aula e descritas metodologicamente todas
as aulas. Ao final, após realizar uma análise de como cada proposta de aula
contemplou os pressupostos da teoria base, este trabalho evidenciou dois
significativos achados: os planos de aula podem incorporar diversas teorias, embora
a base seja a teoria de Ausubel; além de ativar o conhecimento prévio dos alunos,
fornecer materiais de estudo antecipados pode ser igualmente significativo,
preparando os alunos de forma mais eficaz para as aulas futuras.
Applied by the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Basic Education Evaluation System (Saeb) has consolidated data on the educational context in Brazil, and the results have shown an increase in the number of students, between 2019 and 2021, who do not have sufficient skills in the Portuguese Language (LP). Given this scenario, it is essential that efforts be made for students to improve their academic performance, especially in the LP curriculum since it is through it that new learnings are developed. Thus, the research problem of this Undergraduate Thesis (TCC) arises: what are the methodological strategies, based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning (TAS), that can assist in the teaching process of LP in the 6th year of Elementary School (EF)? Therefore, the main objective of this work is to propose the teaching of LP based on the theoretical assumptions of the Theory of Meaningful Learning. The choice of this theory is justified by criteria of academic interest, and the choice of the 6th year of Elementary School is because it is from this stage that the number of teachers responsible for each of the curricular components increases, and it is also at this stage that students have diversified contact with textual genres related to various fields of work and various subjects. In order to answer the research problem and achieve the stated objective, methodologically, this TCC started with a literature review on the Theory of Meaningful Learning and teaching methodologies for LP today. Subsequently, lesson plans were developed, and all lessons were methodologically described. In the end, after analyzing how each lesson proposal incorporated the assumptions of the underlying theory, this work revealed two significant findings: lesson plans can incorporate various theories, although the basis is Ausubel's theory; and in addition to activating students' prior knowledge, providing study materials in advance can be equally significant, preparing students more effectively for future lessons.
Applied by the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Basic Education Evaluation System (Saeb) has consolidated data on the educational context in Brazil, and the results have shown an increase in the number of students, between 2019 and 2021, who do not have sufficient skills in the Portuguese Language (LP). Given this scenario, it is essential that efforts be made for students to improve their academic performance, especially in the LP curriculum since it is through it that new learnings are developed. Thus, the research problem of this Undergraduate Thesis (TCC) arises: what are the methodological strategies, based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning (TAS), that can assist in the teaching process of LP in the 6th year of Elementary School (EF)? Therefore, the main objective of this work is to propose the teaching of LP based on the theoretical assumptions of the Theory of Meaningful Learning. The choice of this theory is justified by criteria of academic interest, and the choice of the 6th year of Elementary School is because it is from this stage that the number of teachers responsible for each of the curricular components increases, and it is also at this stage that students have diversified contact with textual genres related to various fields of work and various subjects. In order to answer the research problem and achieve the stated objective, methodologically, this TCC started with a literature review on the Theory of Meaningful Learning and teaching methodologies for LP today. Subsequently, lesson plans were developed, and all lessons were methodologically described. In the end, after analyzing how each lesson proposal incorporated the assumptions of the underlying theory, this work revealed two significant findings: lesson plans can incorporate various theories, although the basis is Ausubel's theory; and in addition to activating students' prior knowledge, providing study materials in advance can be equally significant, preparing students more effectively for future lessons.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
Língua Portuguesa , teoria da aprendizagem significativa , Ensino Fundamental , estratégias metodológicas