Reflexos da violência doméstica: crianças e adolescentes como vítimas dos lares conflituosos
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Lopes, Anna Clara Ferreira
Kibrit, Orly
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A violência doméstica tem sido considerada uma condição de risco psicossocial ao
desenvolvimento infantil. Conforme veremos no decorrer do presente trabalho, a violência
doméstica acaba por infringir diversos direitos, além de prejudicar a segurança do lar que a
abarca, uma vez que os indivíduos que ali residem não se sentem confortáveis ou à vontade
dentro de sua própria residência.
As crianças e os adolescentes, por serem considerados mais vulneráveis, merecem
destaque nesse tipo de situação, mas não é o que tem ocorrido. Isso porque o ordenamento
jurídico brasileiro e a sociedade em si acabam por negligenciar as vítimas em detrimento de
outros casos, como por exemplo, a violência doméstica perpetrada contra a mulher.
Isto é, a violência doméstica feminina, além de apresentar-se como um reflexo para a
violência doméstica infantil, recebe uma atenção redobrada socialmente e do sistema jurídico
brasileiro, de modo que a efetivação de projetos e dispositivos legais a fim de erradicar tais atos
é muito mais comum e frequente quando em comparação com a violência que acomete os
pequenos seres em desenvolvimento.
Além disso, em nosso meio, é obrigatória a notificação dessa forma de violência.
Entretanto, a ausência de mobilização social, que seria provavelmente solucionada pela
incrementação de políticas públicas mais eficientes, acaba sendo preocupante, visto que o
registro de parte desses crimes ainda é residual nas delegacias brasileiras, seja porque a
sociedade naturaliza a violência contra os mais jovens e se exime de denunciar quando
presencia alguns desses fatos.
Acredita-se que o conceito de violência carrega uma função de punição ou correção,
motivo pelo qual a violência infantil ainda é muito comum e normalizada.
Diante do quanto exposto, temos a relevância do presente tema para a sociedade, haja
vista que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro voltado para os casos de violência doméstica
infantil, além de recente e escasso, é ainda inefetivo, motivo pelo qual
Sendo assim, ainda que o Brasil apresente uma série de dispositivos legais voltados
para a garantia dos direitos e deveres das crianças e adolescentes vítimas dos lares conflituosos,
ainda emerge a necessidade de políticas públicas e mecanismos sociais diretos a fim de inibir a
prática de tal violência e alcançar a proteção integral e efetiva desses seres em desenvolvimento.
Palavras-chave: criança; violência doméstica; proteção integral.
Domestic violence has been considered a condition of psychosocial risk to child development. As we will see in the course of this work, domestic violence ends up violating several rights, in addition to harming the safety of the home that includes this type of violence, since the individuals who frequent it do not feel comfortable or at ease within their own home. residence. Children and adolescents, as they are considered more vulnerable, deserve attention in this type of situation, but this is not what has happened. This is because the Brazilian legal system and society itself ends up neglecting victims to the detriment of other cases, such as domestic violence perpetrated against women. That is, female domestic violence, in addition to presenting itself as a reflection of child domestic violence, receives increased attention from the Brazilian legal system, so that the implementation of legal projects and devices in order to eradicate such acts is much more common and frequent when compared to the violence that affects developing beings. Furthermore, in our country, reporting this form of violence is mandatory. However, the lack of social mobilization, which would probably be solved by the increase of more efficient public policies, ends up being worrying, since the registration of some of these crimes is still residual in Brazilian police stations, either because society naturalizes violence against younger people and refrains from reporting when he witnesses some of these facts. It is believed that the concept of violence carries a function of punishment or correction, which is why child violence is still very common and normalized. In view of the above, we see the relevance of this topic for society, given that the Brazilian legal system aimed at cases of child domestic violence, in addition to being recent and scarce, is still ineffective. Therefore, even though Brazil presents a series of legal provisions aimed at guaranteeing the rights and duties of children and adolescents who are victims of conflictual homes, the need for public policies and direct social mechanisms to inhibit the practice of such violence still emerges. and achieve full and effective protection of these developing beings. Keywords: child; domestic violence; full protection.
Domestic violence has been considered a condition of psychosocial risk to child development. As we will see in the course of this work, domestic violence ends up violating several rights, in addition to harming the safety of the home that includes this type of violence, since the individuals who frequent it do not feel comfortable or at ease within their own home. residence. Children and adolescents, as they are considered more vulnerable, deserve attention in this type of situation, but this is not what has happened. This is because the Brazilian legal system and society itself ends up neglecting victims to the detriment of other cases, such as domestic violence perpetrated against women. That is, female domestic violence, in addition to presenting itself as a reflection of child domestic violence, receives increased attention from the Brazilian legal system, so that the implementation of legal projects and devices in order to eradicate such acts is much more common and frequent when compared to the violence that affects developing beings. Furthermore, in our country, reporting this form of violence is mandatory. However, the lack of social mobilization, which would probably be solved by the increase of more efficient public policies, ends up being worrying, since the registration of some of these crimes is still residual in Brazilian police stations, either because society naturalizes violence against younger people and refrains from reporting when he witnesses some of these facts. It is believed that the concept of violence carries a function of punishment or correction, which is why child violence is still very common and normalized. In view of the above, we see the relevance of this topic for society, given that the Brazilian legal system aimed at cases of child domestic violence, in addition to being recent and scarce, is still ineffective. Therefore, even though Brazil presents a series of legal provisions aimed at guaranteeing the rights and duties of children and adolescents who are victims of conflictual homes, the need for public policies and direct social mechanisms to inhibit the practice of such violence still emerges. and achieve full and effective protection of these developing beings. Keywords: child; domestic violence; full protection.
criança , violência doméstica , proteção integral , child , domestic violence , full protection