A aplicabilidade da business judgement rule na responsabilidade dos administradores de companhias abertas
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Narcizo, Stephanie Costa
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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Membros da banca
O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objetivo fazer uma análise da aplicabilidade da “Bussines Judgement Rule”, na responsabilização dos membros do Conselho de Administração de Companhias Abertas no Brasil, com base na revisão bibliográfica existente sobre o tema. Inicialmente é introduzida a finalidade das atribuições dos membros do respectivo cargo. Em seguida, é analisado a finalidade dos deveres dos Administradores, abordando as principais espécies desses deveres. Por fim, é analisado os aspectos da Business Judgement Rule e a possível aplicabilidade deste instituto no ordenamento jurídico brasileiros. No decorrer do presente estudo, foi constatado que há a presença e a influência deste método de revisão norte-americano na estrutura jurídica brasileira a fim de verificar a responsabilidade dos Administradores de Companhias Abertas, seja em decorrência da atividade sancionadora da Comissão de Valores mobiliários ou pela própria normatividade jurídica imposta pela Lei das S.A.
This Final Paper aims to analyze the applicability of the "Business Judgement Rule", a review model developed by the US courts, to the liability of directors of corporations in Brazil, based on a bibliographical review of the existing literature on the subject. Initially, the purpose of the duties of the respective positions is introduced. Next, the purpose of directors' duties is analyzed, addressing the main types of these duties. Finally, the aspects of the Business Judgement Rule and the possible applicability of this institute in Brazilian cases are analyzed. In the process of this study, it was noted that there is a certain influence of the North American review method on the Brazilian legal structure in order to verify the responsibility of the Board of Directors of Corporations, whether as a result of the sanctioning activity of the Brazilian Securities Commission or the legal normativity itself imposed by the Brazilian Corporations Law.
This Final Paper aims to analyze the applicability of the "Business Judgement Rule", a review model developed by the US courts, to the liability of directors of corporations in Brazil, based on a bibliographical review of the existing literature on the subject. Initially, the purpose of the duties of the respective positions is introduced. Next, the purpose of directors' duties is analyzed, addressing the main types of these duties. Finally, the aspects of the Business Judgement Rule and the possible applicability of this institute in Brazilian cases are analyzed. In the process of this study, it was noted that there is a certain influence of the North American review method on the Brazilian legal structure in order to verify the responsibility of the Board of Directors of Corporations, whether as a result of the sanctioning activity of the Brazilian Securities Commission or the legal normativity itself imposed by the Brazilian Corporations Law.
deveres e responsabilidades dos administradores , conselho de administração , sociedades anônimas , lei das S.A. direito comparado , duties and responsibilities of directors , board of directors , corporations , business judgement rule