Impactos econômicos da reforma trabalhista: uma análise empírica
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Faustino Junior, Lazaro de Paiva
Prado, Jefferson Nery do
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Esta monografia apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa abrangente sobre os impactos da reforma trabalhista de 2017 no Brasil. A reforma foi defendida como a solução para problemas relacionados ao emprego, competitividade, estagnação econômica e altos custos trabalhistas, em busca de "segurança jurídica". No entanto, os resultados revelam que a reforma não cumpriu suas promessas e aprofundou a precarização do trabalho, sem gerar efeitos significativos na economia estagnada. O estudo examina diversas dimensões, como economia, mercado de trabalho, desigualdade salarial, formas de contratação, jornada de trabalho, remuneração, sindicalismo, instituições públicas do trabalho e negociações coletivas. Por meio de uma ampla gama de fontes de dados e pesquisas empíricas, a pesquisa busca entender o que realmente ocorreu no mundo do trabalho após a reforma. Embora a pandemia do coronavírus tenha trazido desafios adicionais para analisar os efeitos da reforma, o estudo se baseia em dados anteriores a esse período, contextualizando a relação entre as repercussões sanitárias, econômicas e trabalhistas, sem precedentes na história. A abordagem rigorosa dos temas e a organização da obra deixam claro os principais resultados dessa pesquisa coletiva realizada por diferentes instituições. Os resultados indicam que, sob o impacto da reforma trabalhista, a economia brasileira continuou em trajetória de estagnação, iniciada em 2015, e não foram gerados os empregos prometidos. Além disso, houve aumento da desigualdade ocupacional e salarial com o avanço de formas flexíveis de contratação e remuneração, enfraquecimento dos sindicatos, negociações coletivas e instituições públicas do trabalho. Longe de promover a retomada do desenvolvimento no Brasil, a reforma trabalhista intensificou a desorganização histórica do mercado de trabalho, contribuindo para a desorganização crescente da economia nacional no período recente. Esse estudo evidencia a necessidade de repensar as políticas trabalhistas, visando a uma maior justiça e estabilidade no mercado de trabalho e à promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável.
This monograph presents the results of a comprehensive survey on the impacts of the 2017 labor reform in Brazil. The reform was defended as a solution to problems related to employment, competitiveness, economic stagnation and high labor costs, in search of "legal security". However, the results reveal that the reform did not fulfill its promises and deepened the precariousness of work, without generating significant effects on the stagnant economy. The study examines several dimensions, such as the economy, the labor market, wage inequality, forms of hiring, working hours, remuneration, unionism, public labor institutions and collective bargaining. Through a wide range of data sources and empirical research, the research seeks to understand what really happened in the world of work after the reform. Although the coronavirus pandemic has brought additional challenges to analyzing the effects of the reform, the study is based on data prior to that period, contextualizing the relationship between health, economic and labor repercussions, unprecedented in history. The rigorous approach to the themes and the organization of the work make clear the main results of this collective research carried out by different institutions. The results indicate that, under the impact of the labor reform, the Brazilian economy continued on a stagnant trajectory, which began in 2015, and the promised jobs were not generated. In addition, there was an increase in occupational and wage inequality with the advancement of flexible forms of hiring and remuneration, weakening of unions, collective bargaining and public work institutions. Far from promoting the resumption of development in Brazil, the labor reform intensified the historical disorganization of the labor market, contributing to the growing disorganization of the national economy in recent times. This study highlights the need to rethink labor policies, aiming at greater justice and stability in the labor market and the promotion of sustainable development.
This monograph presents the results of a comprehensive survey on the impacts of the 2017 labor reform in Brazil. The reform was defended as a solution to problems related to employment, competitiveness, economic stagnation and high labor costs, in search of "legal security". However, the results reveal that the reform did not fulfill its promises and deepened the precariousness of work, without generating significant effects on the stagnant economy. The study examines several dimensions, such as the economy, the labor market, wage inequality, forms of hiring, working hours, remuneration, unionism, public labor institutions and collective bargaining. Through a wide range of data sources and empirical research, the research seeks to understand what really happened in the world of work after the reform. Although the coronavirus pandemic has brought additional challenges to analyzing the effects of the reform, the study is based on data prior to that period, contextualizing the relationship between health, economic and labor repercussions, unprecedented in history. The rigorous approach to the themes and the organization of the work make clear the main results of this collective research carried out by different institutions. The results indicate that, under the impact of the labor reform, the Brazilian economy continued on a stagnant trajectory, which began in 2015, and the promised jobs were not generated. In addition, there was an increase in occupational and wage inequality with the advancement of flexible forms of hiring and remuneration, weakening of unions, collective bargaining and public work institutions. Far from promoting the resumption of development in Brazil, the labor reform intensified the historical disorganization of the labor market, contributing to the growing disorganization of the national economy in recent times. This study highlights the need to rethink labor policies, aiming at greater justice and stability in the labor market and the promotion of sustainable development.
reforma trabalhista , estagnação econômica , emprego , desigualdade salarial , economia , impactos , labor reform , economic stagnation , job , wage inequality , economy , impacts