A atuação das instituições financeiras no combate ao crime de lavagem de dinheiro e sua responsabilização penal
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Oliverio, Gabriela Vitória Moura
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho discute o papel das instituições financeiras e a adoção de suas medidas preventivas à lavagem de dinheiro. Como metodologia, utilizou-se de pesquisa epistemológica, levantamento bibliográfico e documental. A importância de estudar este tema está intrinsicamente ligada ao crescimento de práticas corruptivas, que prejudicam a sociedade, a economia, o Estado e a própria instituição privada. Como resultado, o presente estudo demonstra que as instituições financeiras vem sendo um espaço altamente complexo em termos de possibilidade de práticas criminosas, em virtude da sofisticação do crime de lavagem de dinheiro o que tem trazido enormes desafios globais em sua prevenção para o direito penal. O constante aumento no número de caso desse tipo, fez surgir discussões internacionais que impulsionaram países a elaborar sistemas de imputação penal para estabelecer responsabilidades dentro de suas instituições. Deste modo, o “Criminal Compliance” ganhou maior relevância no âmbito dos estudos de combate e prevenção. Sua função preventiva, fiscalizadora e de conformidade com a lei, levou empresas a investirem em Compliance com foco na área de PLD (Prevenção a Lavagem de dinheiro) como elemento essencial da atualidade.
This paper addresses the role of financial institutions as a preventive measure to money laundering. Epistemological research, bibliographic and documentary research was used as methodology. The importance of studying this theme is intrinsically linked to the growth of corrupting practices, which harm society, the economy, the State and the private institution itself. As a result, the present study demonstrates that the company has been a highly complex space in terms of the possibility of criminal practices, due to the sophistication of the crime of money laundering, which has brought enormous challenges in its prevention for criminal law. The constant increase in the number of such cases has given rise to international discussions that have spurred countries to develop criminal imputation systems to establish responsibilities within companies. Thus, "Criminal Compliance" gained greater relevance in the context of criminal and business law studies. Its preventive function, inspection and compliance with the law, led companies to invest in Compliance with a focus on PLD (Prevention of Money Laundering) as an essential element of today.
This paper addresses the role of financial institutions as a preventive measure to money laundering. Epistemological research, bibliographic and documentary research was used as methodology. The importance of studying this theme is intrinsically linked to the growth of corrupting practices, which harm society, the economy, the State and the private institution itself. As a result, the present study demonstrates that the company has been a highly complex space in terms of the possibility of criminal practices, due to the sophistication of the crime of money laundering, which has brought enormous challenges in its prevention for criminal law. The constant increase in the number of such cases has given rise to international discussions that have spurred countries to develop criminal imputation systems to establish responsibilities within companies. Thus, "Criminal Compliance" gained greater relevance in the context of criminal and business law studies. Its preventive function, inspection and compliance with the law, led companies to invest in Compliance with a focus on PLD (Prevention of Money Laundering) as an essential element of today.
prevenção à lavagem de dinheiro , instituições privadas , políticas adotadas , criminal compliance