O impacto da guerra frio 2.0 no retorno das ações das empresas petrolíferas
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Mello, Kanan Camilo
Novaes , Lucas Lara de Paula Leite
Micherif, Marcus Santos
Pelucio, Victor Manera
Novaes , Lucas Lara de Paula Leite
Micherif, Marcus Santos
Pelucio, Victor Manera
Juca, Michele Nascimento
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Membros da banca
Atualmente, os conflitos entre Rússia e Ucrânia materializam a Guerra Fria 2.0. Ela é inicialmente travada entre Estados Unidos e China. Porém, em 4 de fevereiro de 2022, os líderes da China e Rússia comunicam ao mundo a solidez de sua amizade. Em retaliação à invasão da Ucrânia, em 28 de fevereiro de 2022, o presidente dos Estados Unidos anuncia a exclusão dos principais bancos russos do sistema Swift. Confrontos armados em regiões produtoras de petróleo provocam flutuações no preço da commodity, afetando os retornos das ações dessas companhias. Assim sendo, esse estudo tem por objetivo verificar as seguintes hipóteses: H1 - O anúncio da exclusão dos principais bancos russos do sistema Swift impacta negativamente o retorno das ações de suas petrolíferas e H2 - O anúncio da exclusão dos principais bancos russos do sistema Swift impacta positivamente o retorno das ações das petrolíferas dos demais países. Para tanto, são obtidas as cotações dessas companhias, bem como do índice de mercado S&P500 - para o período de setembro de 2021 a março de 2022. Esses dados são analisados por meio de um estudo de eventos. Os resultados apontam para a confirmação da H2. No caso das empresas russas, há uma interrupção da negociação dos seus papeis – o que denota um impacto negativo no retorno dessas companhias. Quanto aquelas dos demais países, os dados apontam para uma alta volatilidade do mercado de ações global - nos pregões próximos à data do evento.
Currently, the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine materialize the Cold War 2.0. It is initially fought between the USA and China. However, on February 4, 2022, the leaders of China and Russia communicate to the world the solidity of their friendship. In retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine, on February 28, 2022, the North American President announces the exclusion of major Russian banks from the Swift system. Armed clashes in oil-producing regions cause fluctuations in the price of the commodity, affecting the returns of these companies' shares. Therefore, this study aims to verify these hypotheses: H1 - The announcement of the exclusion of the main Russian banks from the Swift system negatively impacts the return on the shares of its oil companies and H2 - The announcement of the exclusion of the main Russian banks from the Swift system impacts positively the return of shares of oil companies in other countries. For this purpose, the quotations of these companies are obtained, as well as the S&P500 market index - for the period from September 2021 to March 2022. This data is analyzed through an event study. The results point to the confirmation of H2. In the case of Russian companies, there is an interruption in trading their shares – which denotes a negative impact on the return of these companies. As for those of the other countries, the data point to a high volatility of the global stock market - in the trading sessions close to the date of the event.
Currently, the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine materialize the Cold War 2.0. It is initially fought between the USA and China. However, on February 4, 2022, the leaders of China and Russia communicate to the world the solidity of their friendship. In retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine, on February 28, 2022, the North American President announces the exclusion of major Russian banks from the Swift system. Armed clashes in oil-producing regions cause fluctuations in the price of the commodity, affecting the returns of these companies' shares. Therefore, this study aims to verify these hypotheses: H1 - The announcement of the exclusion of the main Russian banks from the Swift system negatively impacts the return on the shares of its oil companies and H2 - The announcement of the exclusion of the main Russian banks from the Swift system impacts positively the return of shares of oil companies in other countries. For this purpose, the quotations of these companies are obtained, as well as the S&P500 market index - for the period from September 2021 to March 2022. This data is analyzed through an event study. The results point to the confirmation of H2. In the case of Russian companies, there is an interruption in trading their shares – which denotes a negative impact on the return of these companies. As for those of the other countries, the data point to a high volatility of the global stock market - in the trading sessions close to the date of the event.
Guerra fria , empresas petrolíferas , retorno das ações , Rússia , estudo de evento , cold war , oil companies , stock return , Russia , event study