Práticas de marketing digital para a promoção do e-commerce no setor de vestuário
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Melo, Alexandre Assef Garcia
Okidoi , Beatriz Alice
Sbeghen , Lais Alves
Mattos, Leonardo Marinelli de
Okidoi , Beatriz Alice
Sbeghen , Lais Alves
Mattos, Leonardo Marinelli de
Wakamatsu, André
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O Marketing Digital tem sido muito utilizado para promover ações de Marketing no ambiente digital. No modelo e-commerce, em que os negócios atuam exclusivamente via meios eletrônicos, são utilizadas ferramentas e estratégias voltadas a promover produtos e marcas no ambiente digital. O objetivo da pesquisa foi levantar as estratégias criadas por empreendedores do setor do vestuário referentes ao Marketing Digital utilizadas para promover produtos e marcas no segmento de moda/vestuário. Trata-se de um estudo de caso e de um levantamento documental, com aplicação do instrumento questionário a uma amostra de empreendedores do vestuário da cidade de São Paulo, SP. Em adição, a pesquisa é exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa. Como resultados, a pesquisa revelou que no e-commerce do setor de vestuário, as estratégias de Marketing Digital mais utilizadas são as mídias sociais, o Marketing de Conteúdo e o Inbound Marketing, e neste sentido, o Instagram é utilizado por 100% da amostra pesquisada. As campanhas de Marketing no e-commerce são utilizadas para o relacionamento com o cliente, para gerar visibilidade e para promover produtos e marcas. No Marketing de Conteúdo são utilizados imagens, postagens sobre produtos e marcas e vídeos. O engajamento nas redes é alcançado com publicações em horários específicos, com Marketing de Conteúdo, hashtags e perguntas nas publicações. A mensuração dos resultados se dá pelo Custo de Aquisição do Cliente e por visualizações nas páginas, dentre outras técnicas.
Digital Marketing has been widely used to promote Marketing actions in the digital environment. In the e-commerce model, in which businesses operate exclusively via electronic means, tools and strategies are used to promote products and brands in the digital environment. The objective of the research was to raise the strategies created by entrepreneurs in the clothing sector regarding Digital Marketing used to promote products and brands in the fashion/clothing segment. This is a case study and a documentary survey, with the application of the questionnaire to a sample of clothing entrepreneurs in the city of São Paulo, SP. In addition, the research is exploratory and has a qualitative approach. As a result, the research revealed that in e-commerce in the clothing sector, the most used Digital Marketing strategies are social media, Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing, and in this sense, Instagram is used by 100% of the sample. researched. Marketing campaigns in e-commerce are used for customer relationship, to generate visibility and to promote products and brands. In Content Marketing, images, posts about products and brands, and videos are used. Engagement on networks is achieved with publications at specific times, with Content Marketing, hashtags and questions in publications. Results are measured by Customer Acquisition Cost and page views, among other techniques.
Digital Marketing has been widely used to promote Marketing actions in the digital environment. In the e-commerce model, in which businesses operate exclusively via electronic means, tools and strategies are used to promote products and brands in the digital environment. The objective of the research was to raise the strategies created by entrepreneurs in the clothing sector regarding Digital Marketing used to promote products and brands in the fashion/clothing segment. This is a case study and a documentary survey, with the application of the questionnaire to a sample of clothing entrepreneurs in the city of São Paulo, SP. In addition, the research is exploratory and has a qualitative approach. As a result, the research revealed that in e-commerce in the clothing sector, the most used Digital Marketing strategies are social media, Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing, and in this sense, Instagram is used by 100% of the sample. researched. Marketing campaigns in e-commerce are used for customer relationship, to generate visibility and to promote products and brands. In Content Marketing, images, posts about products and brands, and videos are used. Engagement on networks is achieved with publications at specific times, with Content Marketing, hashtags and questions in publications. Results are measured by Customer Acquisition Cost and page views, among other techniques.
marketing digital no e-commerce , estratégias de marketing digital , e-commerce do vestuário , digital marketing in e-commerce , digital marketing strategies , apparel ecommerce