As consequências econômicas da paz (1919) de John Maynard Keynes: (con)texto e pensamento econômico
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Roncada, Marcella Gomes
Paula, Daniel Carvalho de
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A Primeira Guerra Mundial foi devastadora aos países envolvidos, especialmente àqueles derrotados como a Alemanha. Suas populações sofreram expressivas perdas humanas e suas economias foram duramente atingidas. Em virtude ao conflito, os países vencedores estabeleceram duras imposições aos perdedores por meio do Tratado de Versalhes, em que foram impostos pagamentos à Alemanha por sua responsabilidade no conflito. John Keynes, economista britânico que esteve presente na Conferência de Paris onde foram realizadas as sessões para a formulação do Tratado, se opôs às medidas definidas ali. O objetivo central deste trabalho é abordar e analisar a obra As Consequências Econômicas da Paz, publicada em 1919, sobre o a opinião do autor referente às reparações contidas no Tratado. Propõe-se apresentar os argumentos que Keynes utilizou para sustentar a sua tese de que os pagamentos estavam além da capacidade alemã e que o Tratado tinha como objetivo a destruição de sua economia.
World War I was devastating for the countries involved, especially for those defeated like Germany. Their populations suffered significant human losses and their economies were hardly hit. Due to the conflict, the winners established harsh impositions on the losers through the Treaty of Versailles, in which payments were imposed on Germany for its responsibility in the conflict. John Keynes, a British economist who was present at the Paris Conference where the sessions for the formulation of the Treaty were held, opposed to the measures defined there. The main objective of this work is to address and analyze the work The Economic Consequences of the Peace, published in 1919, about the author's opinion regarding the reparations contained in the Treaty. It proposes to present the arguments that Keynes used to support his thesis that the payments were beyond the German capacity and that the Treaty had as objective the destruction of its economy.
World War I was devastating for the countries involved, especially for those defeated like Germany. Their populations suffered significant human losses and their economies were hardly hit. Due to the conflict, the winners established harsh impositions on the losers through the Treaty of Versailles, in which payments were imposed on Germany for its responsibility in the conflict. John Keynes, a British economist who was present at the Paris Conference where the sessions for the formulation of the Treaty were held, opposed to the measures defined there. The main objective of this work is to address and analyze the work The Economic Consequences of the Peace, published in 1919, about the author's opinion regarding the reparations contained in the Treaty. It proposes to present the arguments that Keynes used to support his thesis that the payments were beyond the German capacity and that the Treaty had as objective the destruction of its economy.
John Keynes , tratado de Versalhes , primeira guerra mundial , conferência de Paris , John Keynes , treaty of Versailles , first world war , Paris conference