Ações de comunicação das empresas fabricantes de energético voltadas para o público gamer
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Parente, Amanda Leite
Cruz, Guilherme de Carvalho
Holcman, Thatiana Sorrentino
Cruz, Guilherme de Carvalho
Holcman, Thatiana Sorrentino
Issa Junior, Eduardo Neder
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Contexto: Atualmente, os videogames e plataformas de games online vem trazendo um novo canal de mídia como estratégia de comunicação e marketing. Portanto, em meio às novas formas de comunicação com o público surge o Advergame que é a fusão dos termos em inglês Advertise (que significa propaganda) e videogame (que significa jogo eletrônico) dando o nome à estratégia de comunicação mercadológica utilizada em jogos, principalmente os eletrônicos, como uma ferramenta para divulgar e promover marcas, produtos ou organizações. Em decorrência da pandemia de COVID-19, diversos setores do mercado foram afetados negativamente; entretanto, no setor da indústria dos games, os jogos online nunca foram tão jogados como antes. Com isso, as marcas conseguem utilizar esses jogos como espaços de mídia para se comunicar com seus clientes e públicos de interesse. Objetivo: Este trabalho procurou então identificar como as empresas fabricantes de energéticos estabelecem suas ações de comunicação para atingir o público gamer e fortalecer a sua marca diante desse público. Método: Para melhor atingir os objetivos apresentados neste estudo, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa do tipo exploratória e qualitativa pelo método Bardin de análise de conteúdo. Pois assim foi possível entender melhor o comportamento de consumo do produto energético por esse público. Resultados: Verificou-se as ações de comunicação utilizadas pelos fabricantes de energéticos direcionadas para o público gamer. São ações offline (eventos e stands) e ações online, dentro dos jogos online e plataformas digitais online. Conclusões: As marcas promovem e patrocinam eventos, inserem-se dentro dos jogos e das plataformas, e se apropriam de mensagens com linguagens que entram de acordo com seu público. Tudo isso corrobora para uma venda de seus produtos e fortalecimento da marca nesse mercado.
currently, video games and online game platforms are bringing a new media channel as a communication and marketing strategy. Therefore, in the midst of new forms of communication with the public, Advergame appears, which is the fusion of the English terms Advertise (which means advertisement) and videogame (which means electronic game), giving the name to the marketing communication strategy used in games, mainly electronics, as a tool to publicize and promote brands, products or organizations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, several market sectors were negatively affected; however, in the sector of the gaming industry, online games have never been played as much as before. As a result, brands are able to use these games as media spaces to communicate with their customers and stakeholders. Objective: This work then sought to identify how companies that manufacture energy drinks establish their communication actions to reach the gamer public and strengthen their brand in front of this public. Method: To better achieve the objectives presented in this study, an exploratory and qualitative research was developed using the Bardin method of content analysis. This made it possible to better understand the consumption behavior of the energy product by this public. Results: The communication actions used by energy drink manufacturers aimed at the gamer public were verified. These are offline actions (events and stands) and online actions, within online games and online digital platforms. Conclusions: Brands promote and sponsor events, insert themselves within games and platforms, and appropriate messages with languages that fit in with their audience. All this contributes to a sale of its products and strengthening of the brand in this market.
currently, video games and online game platforms are bringing a new media channel as a communication and marketing strategy. Therefore, in the midst of new forms of communication with the public, Advergame appears, which is the fusion of the English terms Advertise (which means advertisement) and videogame (which means electronic game), giving the name to the marketing communication strategy used in games, mainly electronics, as a tool to publicize and promote brands, products or organizations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, several market sectors were negatively affected; however, in the sector of the gaming industry, online games have never been played as much as before. As a result, brands are able to use these games as media spaces to communicate with their customers and stakeholders. Objective: This work then sought to identify how companies that manufacture energy drinks establish their communication actions to reach the gamer public and strengthen their brand in front of this public. Method: To better achieve the objectives presented in this study, an exploratory and qualitative research was developed using the Bardin method of content analysis. This made it possible to better understand the consumption behavior of the energy product by this public. Results: The communication actions used by energy drink manufacturers aimed at the gamer public were verified. These are offline actions (events and stands) and online actions, within online games and online digital platforms. Conclusions: Brands promote and sponsor events, insert themselves within games and platforms, and appropriate messages with languages that fit in with their audience. All this contributes to a sale of its products and strengthening of the brand in this market.
comunicação , jogos eletrônicos , energéticos , marca , comportamento do consumidor , fatores de influência , communication , electronic games , energy drinks , brand , consumer behavior , influence factors