A contribuição das estratégias de employer branding para a atração e retenção de talentos
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Carvalho, Erick Alves
Tambellini, Leticia Morales
Oliveira , Vinicius Silva
Tambellini, Leticia Morales
Oliveira , Vinicius Silva
Gomes, Carlos Eduardo
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Com a crescente visibilidade das empresas após o crescimento comercial advindo da Segunda Guerra Mundial, essas empresas passaram a se preocupar com a importância de possuírem mão de obra qualificada. Iniciou-se, portanto, um movimento que buscava atrair esta mão de obra cada vez mais competente e qualificada. Juntando estratégias de gestão de pessoas e marketing, o Employer Branding busca desenvolver métodos para valorizar a imagem das empresas diante dos atuais funcionários e daqueles que estão em processo de recrutamento, buscando oferecer uma boa experiência aos mesmos. O estudo apresentado neste trabalho teve como objetivo principal entender as contribuições das estratégias de Employer Branding para atração e retenção de talentos adotadas pelas empresas. Foi realizado por meio do método qualitativo e pesquisa exploratória, os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturadas para dois grupos, um formado por profissionais de RH e Marketing envolvidos no desenvolvimento de Employer Branding e outro por jovens ingressantes no mercado. A partir da análise de dados foi possível notar muitas semelhanças nas falas e opiniões entre os entrevistados e os autores citados no decorrer do referencial teórico. Nota-se uma mesma concepção entre os jovens talentos, novos ingressantes do mercado de trabalho, sobre uma boa empresa para trabalhar nos dias atuais, todos citando pontos em comum. Com isso, observa-se que as estratégias de Employer Branding contribuem com a retenção e atração de jovens. O estudo colabora para as organizações entenderem quais são as principais ações de Employer Branding e como isso auxilia para atrair e reter talentos.
With the increasing visibility of companies after the commercial growth resulting from the Second World War, these companies began to worry about the importance of having a qualified workforce. Start, therefore, a movement that sought to attract this increasingly competent and qualified workforce. Combining people management and marketing strategies, Employer Branding seeks to develop methods to promote the image of companies in front of current employees and those who are in the recruitment process, seeking to offer them a good experience. The main objective of the study presented in this work was to understand the contributions of Employer Branding strategies for attracting and retaining talent adopted by companies. It was carried out using a qualitative method and exploratory research, data were collected through semi-structured interviews for two groups, one formed by HR and Marketing professionals involved in the development of Employer Branding and the other one by young people entering the market. From the data analysis, it was possible to notice many similarities in the speeches and thoughts between the interviewees and the authors cited during the theoretical framework. It is noted the same conception among young talents, new entrants to the labor market, about a good company to work for nowadays, all citing points in common. Thus, it is observed that Employer Branding strategies contribute to the retention and attraction of young people. The study helps organizations understand what are the main actions of Employer Branding and how it helps to attract and retain talent, and thus, if it is indeed worth investing in the development of one.
With the increasing visibility of companies after the commercial growth resulting from the Second World War, these companies began to worry about the importance of having a qualified workforce. Start, therefore, a movement that sought to attract this increasingly competent and qualified workforce. Combining people management and marketing strategies, Employer Branding seeks to develop methods to promote the image of companies in front of current employees and those who are in the recruitment process, seeking to offer them a good experience. The main objective of the study presented in this work was to understand the contributions of Employer Branding strategies for attracting and retaining talent adopted by companies. It was carried out using a qualitative method and exploratory research, data were collected through semi-structured interviews for two groups, one formed by HR and Marketing professionals involved in the development of Employer Branding and the other one by young people entering the market. From the data analysis, it was possible to notice many similarities in the speeches and thoughts between the interviewees and the authors cited during the theoretical framework. It is noted the same conception among young talents, new entrants to the labor market, about a good company to work for nowadays, all citing points in common. Thus, it is observed that Employer Branding strategies contribute to the retention and attraction of young people. The study helps organizations understand what are the main actions of Employer Branding and how it helps to attract and retain talent, and thus, if it is indeed worth investing in the development of one.
employer branding , atração , retenção , jovens talentos , employer branding , attraction , retention , young talent