Influências do medo de inteligência artificial
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Lima, Bianca Silva
Souza, Henrique de
Araujo, Iara Cristina de
Milani, Leonardo Chevicenco
Souza, Henrique de
Araujo, Iara Cristina de
Milani, Leonardo Chevicenco
Cappellozza, Alexandre
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As organizações têm passado por diversas transformações devido ao avanço tecnológico trazido pelas revoluções industriais. A quarta revolução industrial, também nomeada de Industria 4.0, cujo principal componente é a introdução de tecnologias de internet na indústria, traz um mundo em que os sistemas virtuais e físicos se comunicam entre si por meio de inovações tecnológicas, em especial, da inteligência artificial. Diante disso, o estudo analisou como a presença do medo da inteligência artificial impacta no ambiente de trabalho, no que tange a empregabilidade e tecnoinsegurança dos trabalhadores. Para essa pesquisa, o método escolhido foi o quantitativo, caracterizado pela quantificação tanto nas modalidades de coleta informações, quanto no tratamento dessas por meio de técnicas estatísticas. Após a aplicação de um questionário survey, 133 respostas foram validadas. De acordo com os resultados levantados, observou-se que a tecnoinsegurança influencia positivamente o medo de inteligência artificial, e se confirma que quanto maior a empregabilidade percebida, menor o medo sobre a inteligência artificial.
Organizations have gone through several transformations due to the technological advances brought about by the industrial revolutions. The fourth industrial revolution, also called Industry 4.0, whose main component is the introduction of internet technologies in industry, brings a world in which virtual and physical systems communicate with each other through technological innovations, in particular, artificial intelligence. In view of this, the study analyzed how the presence of fear of artificial intelligence impacts the work environment, regarding the employability and techno insecurity of workers. For this research, the chosen method was the quantitative one, characterized by the quantification both in the modalities of information collection, and in the treatment of these through statistical techniques. After applying a survey questionnaire, 133 responses were validated. According to the results raised, it was observed that technoinsecurity positively influences the fear of artificial intelligence, and it is confirmed that the greater the perceived employability, the lower the fear about artificial intelligence.
Organizations have gone through several transformations due to the technological advances brought about by the industrial revolutions. The fourth industrial revolution, also called Industry 4.0, whose main component is the introduction of internet technologies in industry, brings a world in which virtual and physical systems communicate with each other through technological innovations, in particular, artificial intelligence. In view of this, the study analyzed how the presence of fear of artificial intelligence impacts the work environment, regarding the employability and techno insecurity of workers. For this research, the chosen method was the quantitative one, characterized by the quantification both in the modalities of information collection, and in the treatment of these through statistical techniques. After applying a survey questionnaire, 133 responses were validated. According to the results raised, it was observed that technoinsecurity positively influences the fear of artificial intelligence, and it is confirmed that the greater the perceived employability, the lower the fear about artificial intelligence.
tecnologias de informação e comunicação , tecnoinsegurança , inteligência artificial , empregabilidade , information and communication technologies , technology , technoinsecurity , artificial intelligence , employability