O direito de imagem no futebol
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Leme, Luiz Eduardo Costa
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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O desenvolvimento da tecnologia permitiu novas formas de explorar a paixão dos
brasileiros pelo futebol. Isso inclui a exposição maciça dos atletas e de suas
associações na mídia. Nesse contexto, é de extrema importância o estudo de
institutos como o direito de imagem e o direito de palco, que se tornaram
fundamentais para a indústria do futebol, pois permitem a captação de enormes
somas de dinheiro e a proteção do direito considerado fundamental pela
Constituição Federal de 1988, qual seja, o direito de imagem. O jogador de futebol
profissional utiliza o contrato de licenciamento de imagem para lucrar com a
exploração de sua imagem, que pode ser utilizada de forma fraudulenta, com o
objetivo de reduzir encargos salariais ou fiscais. O direito de imagem abrange todos
os atletas que participam de uma partida e prevê a distribuição equitativa entre eles
de uma porcentagem do valor recebido por seu clube das emissoras de televisão
em troca do direito de transmissão das partidas. Diferentemente do direito de
imagem, que protege a imagem individualmente e, portanto, pertence ao atleta, o
direito de estádio diz respeito ao grupo de atletas e à marca do clube, que é
propriedade da entidade esportiva. O direito de estádio é considerado como
remuneração pelo trabalho devido ao seu caráter compensatório.
The development of technology has allowed new ways to exploit Brazilians' passion for soccer. This includes the massive exposure of athletes and their associations in the media. In this context, it is extremely important to study institutes such as image rights and stage rights, which have become fundamental for the soccer industry, since they allow the capture of huge sums of money and the protection of the right considered fundamental by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which is the image right. The professional soccer player uses the image licensing contract to profit from the exploitation of his image, which can be used fraudulently, with the objective of reducing salary or fiscal charges. Image rights cover all athletes who participate in a match and provide for the equitable distribution among them of a percentage of the amount received by their club from the television stations in exchange for the right to broadcast the matches. Unlike the image right, which protects the image individually and therefore belongs to the athlete, the stadium right concerns the group of athletes and the club's brand, which is owned by the sports entity. The stadium rights are considered remuneration for work due to its compensatory nature.
The development of technology has allowed new ways to exploit Brazilians' passion for soccer. This includes the massive exposure of athletes and their associations in the media. In this context, it is extremely important to study institutes such as image rights and stage rights, which have become fundamental for the soccer industry, since they allow the capture of huge sums of money and the protection of the right considered fundamental by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which is the image right. The professional soccer player uses the image licensing contract to profit from the exploitation of his image, which can be used fraudulently, with the objective of reducing salary or fiscal charges. Image rights cover all athletes who participate in a match and provide for the equitable distribution among them of a percentage of the amount received by their club from the television stations in exchange for the right to broadcast the matches. Unlike the image right, which protects the image individually and therefore belongs to the athlete, the stadium right concerns the group of athletes and the club's brand, which is owned by the sports entity. The stadium rights are considered remuneration for work due to its compensatory nature.
direito de imagem , natureza trabalhista , futebol , image rights , labor nature , soccer