Exigência de laudo médico no registro de crianças nascidas de inseminação caseira: discriminação econômica ou proteção à saúde?
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Chibante, Sofia Rodrigues
Carvalho, André Norberto Carbone de
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A Inseminação Caseira se caracteriza como um procedimento desenvolvido para engravidar, que tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na atualidade. A relevância deste trabalho se dá pelos problemas no registro de crianças nascidas deste método, que precisam ser resolvidos juridicamente, causando a sobrecarga do judiciário. Dessa forma, mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e análise jurisprudencial, serão analisados os motivos para a realização da Inseminação Caseira e quais os posicionamentos a respeito do registro dessas crianças, de forma com que seja possível identificar qual a posição que mais se adequa à lei brasileira e se há alguma solução para o problema. Serão destacados posicionamentos doutrinários divergentes sobre o tema, além de relacioná-lo com a discriminação econômica, a proteção à saúde e a insegurança jurídica do país. Através da análise destes tópicos que será possível encontrar a melhor saída para o problema do registro, e entender o que deve prevalecer: saúde ou economia.
Home insemination is a procedure developed to get pregnant, which has become more frequent nowadays. The relevance of this research is due to the problems in registering children born from this method, seeing that is necessary to solve the problem legally, which is overloading the judiciary system. Thus, through bibliographic research and jurisprudential analysis, the reasons for performing home insemination are analyzed, as well as the statements regarding the children registry, so that it is possible to identify which position best suits the Brazilian law and if there is any solution to this problem. Divergent doctrinal statements will be highlighted concerning the problem and which is the relationship of these statements with economic discrimination, health protection, and legal insecurity in the country. Through the analysis of these topics, it will be possible to find the best way out of the problem faced, and understand what must prevail: health or economy.
Home insemination is a procedure developed to get pregnant, which has become more frequent nowadays. The relevance of this research is due to the problems in registering children born from this method, seeing that is necessary to solve the problem legally, which is overloading the judiciary system. Thus, through bibliographic research and jurisprudential analysis, the reasons for performing home insemination are analyzed, as well as the statements regarding the children registry, so that it is possible to identify which position best suits the Brazilian law and if there is any solution to this problem. Divergent doctrinal statements will be highlighted concerning the problem and which is the relationship of these statements with economic discrimination, health protection, and legal insecurity in the country. Through the analysis of these topics, it will be possible to find the best way out of the problem faced, and understand what must prevail: health or economy.
inseminação caseira , registro , discriminação econômica , proteção à saúde , home insemination , registration , economic discrimination , health protection