Foreign corrupt practices act: uma análise da lei precursora ao combate internacional da corrupção
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Metta, Nicolas Matheus
Florêncio Filho, Marco Aurélio Pinto
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Membros da banca
Este artigo objetiva realizar a análise da lei antissuborno norte americana, o Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), o primeiro instrumento jurídico de combate à corrupção no
mundo, especialmente decorrente de suborno a dirigentes governamentais, tanto nos Estados
Unidos como no exterior. Avalia a evolução histórica do sistema normativo internacional
anticorrupção, bem como traça um perfil do FCPA, apresentando sua evolução histórica através
de suas emendas, pessoas sujeitas à norma, sua abrangência nacional e, principalmente,
internacional através do fenômeno conhecido como long arm jurisdiction, que possibilita a
extensão da jurisdição dos órgãos americanos relacionados a prevenção e o combate à
corrupção para alcançar pessoas e empresas não estadunidenses, exemplificando através de
casos práticos com empresas brasileiras. Também analisa a influência do FCPA na criação da
lei anticorrupção brasileira e suas similaridades.
This article aims to carry out an analysis of the North American anti-bribery law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - FPCA, the first legal instrument in the world to combat corruption, especially resulting from bribery of government officials, both in the United States and abroad. Presenting the historical evolution of the international anti-corruption regulatory system, as well as outlines a profile of the FCPA, presenting its historical evolution through its amendments, persons subject to the normative, its national and, mainly, international scope through the phenomenon known as long arm jurisdiction, which makes it possible to extend the jurisdiction of American entities related to corruption prevention and combating to reach non- US people and companies, exemplifying through practical cases of investigations carried out in Brazilian companies. It also analyzes the influence of the FCPA in the creation of the Brazilian anti-corruption law and its similarities.
This article aims to carry out an analysis of the North American anti-bribery law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - FPCA, the first legal instrument in the world to combat corruption, especially resulting from bribery of government officials, both in the United States and abroad. Presenting the historical evolution of the international anti-corruption regulatory system, as well as outlines a profile of the FCPA, presenting its historical evolution through its amendments, persons subject to the normative, its national and, mainly, international scope through the phenomenon known as long arm jurisdiction, which makes it possible to extend the jurisdiction of American entities related to corruption prevention and combating to reach non- US people and companies, exemplifying through practical cases of investigations carried out in Brazilian companies. It also analyzes the influence of the FCPA in the creation of the Brazilian anti-corruption law and its similarities.
anticorrupção , FCPA , corrupção , suborno , anti-corruption , corruption , bribery