Análise jurisprudencial da concorrência desleal em conflitos envolvendo marca e trade dress
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Luz, Álvaro Daniel Timóteo da
Ramos, Tais Mallmann
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O artigo propõe um estudo analítico sobre as decisões judiciais brasileiras em conflitos relacionados a marcas, trade dress e concorrência desleal. O objetivo é investigar a existência de uniformidade nas decisões e se elas são baseadas em princípios econômicos. Para isso, serão utilizados métodos indutivos e quantitativos para analisar casos julgados e identificar possíveis variações nas decisões e interpretações.
Compreendendo a influência das decisões para um ambiente jurídico estável e que seja mais propício ao desenvolvimento econômico e à inovação, o presente estudo busca entender como as decisões judiciais são tomadas, analisando se há uniformização nas decisões nos casos descritos, e em caso de eventual divergência será analisada a existência de insegurança jurídica e possíveis negativas para o desenvolvimento e inovação no Brasil. É importante entender como as decisões judiciais são tomadas e como elas afetam a segurança jurídica e a inovação no Brasil. Por isso, é essencial buscar uma maior uniformização nas decisões para garantir um ambiente jurídico mais estável e propício ao desenvolvimento econômico e à inovação.
The article proposes an analytical study on Brazilian judicial decisions regarding conflicts related to trademarks, trade dress, and unfair competition. The objective is to investigate the existence of uniformity in decisions and whether they are based on economic principles. To achieve this, inductive and quantitative methods will be used to analyze judged cases and identify possible variations in decisions and interpretations. Understanding the influence of decisions on a stable legal environment that is more conducive to economic development and innovation, this study seeks to understand how judicial decisions are made, analyzing whether there is uniformity in the decisions in the described cases. In the event of any divergence, the existence of legal uncertainty and possible negative effects on development and innovation in Brazil will be analyzed. It is important to understand how judicial decisions are made and how they affect legal certainty and innovation in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to seek greater uniformity in decisions to ensure a more stable legal environment that is conducive to economic development and innovation.
The article proposes an analytical study on Brazilian judicial decisions regarding conflicts related to trademarks, trade dress, and unfair competition. The objective is to investigate the existence of uniformity in decisions and whether they are based on economic principles. To achieve this, inductive and quantitative methods will be used to analyze judged cases and identify possible variations in decisions and interpretations. Understanding the influence of decisions on a stable legal environment that is more conducive to economic development and innovation, this study seeks to understand how judicial decisions are made, analyzing whether there is uniformity in the decisions in the described cases. In the event of any divergence, the existence of legal uncertainty and possible negative effects on development and innovation in Brazil will be analyzed. It is important to understand how judicial decisions are made and how they affect legal certainty and innovation in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to seek greater uniformity in decisions to ensure a more stable legal environment that is conducive to economic development and innovation.
conjunto imagem , concorrência desleal , insegurança jurídica , trade dress , unfair competition , juridical insecurity