Cuidados paliativos: uma resposta à recusa de tratamento
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Fernandes, Milla Cancian e Oliveira
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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Os serviços de saúde atualmente enfrentam desafios inter-relacionados pelas próprias características das Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT), isto porque a compreensão da morte e a recusa de tratamento vêm sendo discutidos pela literatura. Nesse cenário, reconhecendo os Cuidados Paliativos como medida intimamente ligada ao bem estar do enfermo e de seus pacientes, o presente trabalho visa entender os pontos divergentes acerca da temática abordada a fim de responder ao seguinte se: os Cuidados Paliativos (CP) são considerados como uma resposta a recusa de tratamento ou a sua perpetuação e discutir acerca da importância dos Cuidados Paliativos como uma ferramenta ligada a garantia da dignidade humana, bem como compreender os aspectos históricos, jurídicos e sociais ligados a esses tratamentos e entender os aspectos gerais ligados à recusa de tratamento. Assim, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, partindo de uma metodologia de abordagem qualitativa, o presente artigo consegue concluir que o acesso aos cuidados paliativos representa a forma mais abrangente, eficaz e garantidora do respeito à morte digna tanto no âmbito dos Direitos Humanos, da Bioética como da Ética Médica, sendo esse uma resposta eficaz para a recusa de tratamento.
Health services currently face interrelated challenges due to the characteristics of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), this is because the understanding of death and refusal of treatment have been discussed in the literature. In this scenario, recognizing Palliative Care as a measure closely linked to the well-being of the sick and their patients, the present work aims to understand the divergent points about the theme addressed in order to answer the following if: Palliative Care (PC) is considered as a response to the refusal of treatment or its perpetuation and discuss the importance of Palliative Care as a tool linked to the guarantee of human health, as well as understanding the historical, legal and social aspects linked to these treatments and understanding the general aspects linked to the refusal of treatment treatments. Thus, based on bibliographic and documentary research, based on a qualitative approach methodology, this article was able to conclude that access to palliative care represents the most comprehensive, effective and guaranteeing respect for dignified death both in the scope of Human Rights, Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which is an effective response to treatment refusal.
Health services currently face interrelated challenges due to the characteristics of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), this is because the understanding of death and refusal of treatment have been discussed in the literature. In this scenario, recognizing Palliative Care as a measure closely linked to the well-being of the sick and their patients, the present work aims to understand the divergent points about the theme addressed in order to answer the following if: Palliative Care (PC) is considered as a response to the refusal of treatment or its perpetuation and discuss the importance of Palliative Care as a tool linked to the guarantee of human health, as well as understanding the historical, legal and social aspects linked to these treatments and understanding the general aspects linked to the refusal of treatment treatments. Thus, based on bibliographic and documentary research, based on a qualitative approach methodology, this article was able to conclude that access to palliative care represents the most comprehensive, effective and guaranteeing respect for dignified death both in the scope of Human Rights, Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which is an effective response to treatment refusal.
cuidados paliativos , recusa de tratamento , dignidade da pessoa humana , palliative care , refusal of treatment , dignity of human person