Contratos associativos: análise jurisprudencial da atuação do CADE quanto à caracterização de compartilhamento de riscos e resultados e de empreendimento comum
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Sanches, Rafaela
Bagnoli, Vicente
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Preenchidos os requisitos para a caracterização de contrato associativo, configura-se hipótese de notificação obrigatória do ato de concentração econômica ao CADE - Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica. A problemática central do presente trabalho é verificar, no âmbito da análise de contratos associativos no CADE, possíveis distinções entre os conceitos de empreendimento comum e de compartilhamento de riscos e resultados que, por vezes, confundem-se entre si ou tampouco são delimitados pela autoridade antitruste do Brasil. Para tanto, o presente artigo busca analisar, de maneira empírica, os precedentes que compõe a jurisprudência sobre contratos associativos do CADE, visando, portanto, delimitar possíveis padrões no entendimento do que diz respeito aos dois critérios mencionados anteriormente. O resultado da pesquisa aponta para um entendimento mais voltado à análise concreta das disposições nas cláusulas contratuais para a identificação de certo nível de cooperação que implique, necessariamente, na predominância do perfil organizativo em relação ao perfil relacional dentro da operação.
Once the requirements for the characterization of an associative contracts are met, it is a case of mandatory filing to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). The central issue of this work is to verify, within the scope of the analysis of association contracts at CADE, possible distinctions between the concepts of common enterprise and risk and result sharing, which are sometimes confused with each other or are not always defined by the Brazilian antitrust authority. To this end, this article seeks to analyze, in an empirical manner, CADE's associate contracts case law, aiming, therefore, to delimit possible patterns in the understanding of what concerns the two aforementioned criteria. The result of the research points to an understanding more focused on the concrete analysis of the provisions in the contractual clauses for the identification of a certain level of cooperation that necessarily implies the predominance of the organizational profile in relation to the relational profile within the transaction.
Once the requirements for the characterization of an associative contracts are met, it is a case of mandatory filing to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). The central issue of this work is to verify, within the scope of the analysis of association contracts at CADE, possible distinctions between the concepts of common enterprise and risk and result sharing, which are sometimes confused with each other or are not always defined by the Brazilian antitrust authority. To this end, this article seeks to analyze, in an empirical manner, CADE's associate contracts case law, aiming, therefore, to delimit possible patterns in the understanding of what concerns the two aforementioned criteria. The result of the research points to an understanding more focused on the concrete analysis of the provisions in the contractual clauses for the identification of a certain level of cooperation that necessarily implies the predominance of the organizational profile in relation to the relational profile within the transaction.
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direito concorrencial , contratos associativos , atos de concentração , resolução CADE nº 17 de 2016 , antitrust law , associative agreements , merger review , administrative council for economic defense