A propaganda eleitoral antecipada e a manifestação política do eleitorado na internet
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Migio, Melissa Mey Santana
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Atualmente, temas envolvendo eleições e política vêm acompanhados de uma ideia de polarização muitas vezes carregada de disfuncionalidade que não pode, nem deve ser trazida ao Direito, principalmente ao direito eleitoral, sob pena de colocarmos em risco a segurança jurídica e diminuir a credibilidade de nosso sistema eleitoral, o que, de maneira irresponsável, mesmo com nossos procedimentos íntegros e seguros, já vem sendo colocada em xeque por movimentos extremistas.
Nesse sentindo, considerando que os temas envolvendo Direito Eleitoral são muitos, o presente artigo tratará da conceituação, dos efeitos e dos limites da propaganda eleitoral antecipada com as mudanças trazidas pela Lei 13.165/15, principalmente em contraste com a liberdade de expressão e manifestação política do eleitorado em um cenário em que os avanços tecnológicos ocorrem de forma exponencial e impactam diretamente na estrutura das relações sociais, políticas e econômicas.
Assim, considerando que a internet torna possível o compartilhamento de ideias de forma constante e gratuita, em qualquer horário, pode o eleitor se manifestar antecipadamente de forma favorável a um candidato sem que isso configure propaganda eleitoral antecipada? Quais são os limites entre essa manifestação política como mero exercício da liberdade de expressão? Quando ela está descumprindo preceito legal? De que forma a análise é feita? As respostas para estas perguntas não são simples e, por isso, a fim de explorar o tema com maior afinco e precisão, este artigo irá perpassar por diversos conceitos, doutrinas e problemáticas de forma a elucidar que os objetivos visados com as minirreformas eleitorais não foram todos alcançados como se pretendia.
Currently, issues involving elections and politics are followed by an idea of polarization often loaded with dysfunctionality that cannot and should not be brought into legislation – especially into electoral law - putting at risk legal certainty and decreasing the credibility of our electoral system, which, irresponsibly, even with our safe procedures, has already been called into question by extremist movements. In this sense, considering that the topics involving electoral law are many, this article will deal with the concept, effects, and limits of early electoral propaganda with the changes brought by Law 13.165/15, mainly in contrast to the freedom of expression and political manifestation of the electorate in a scenario where technological advances occur exponentially and directly impact the structure of social, political, and economic relations. Thus, considering that the internet makes it possible to constantly share ideas for free, at any time, can the voter manifest themselves in favor of a candidate in advance without the act being considered early electoral propaganda? What are the limits between this political manifestation as a mere exercise of freedom of expression? When is it violating a legal precept? How is this analysis done? The answers to these questions are not simple, and therefore, this article will go through various concepts, doctrines, and issues in order to elucidate that the objectives pursued with the electoral mini reforms were not all achieved as intended.
Currently, issues involving elections and politics are followed by an idea of polarization often loaded with dysfunctionality that cannot and should not be brought into legislation – especially into electoral law - putting at risk legal certainty and decreasing the credibility of our electoral system, which, irresponsibly, even with our safe procedures, has already been called into question by extremist movements. In this sense, considering that the topics involving electoral law are many, this article will deal with the concept, effects, and limits of early electoral propaganda with the changes brought by Law 13.165/15, mainly in contrast to the freedom of expression and political manifestation of the electorate in a scenario where technological advances occur exponentially and directly impact the structure of social, political, and economic relations. Thus, considering that the internet makes it possible to constantly share ideas for free, at any time, can the voter manifest themselves in favor of a candidate in advance without the act being considered early electoral propaganda? What are the limits between this political manifestation as a mere exercise of freedom of expression? When is it violating a legal precept? How is this analysis done? The answers to these questions are not simple, and therefore, this article will go through various concepts, doctrines, and issues in order to elucidate that the objectives pursued with the electoral mini reforms were not all achieved as intended.
lei nº 13.165/15 , direito eleitoral , propaganda eleitoral antecipada , liberdade de expressão , electoral law , early election propaganda , freedom of expression , political manifestation