O planejamento tributário e o propósito negocial: uma análise à luz do conselho administrativo de recursos fiscais
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Silva Neto, Lourenço Torres da
Takano, Caio Augusto
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise crítica acerca da
aplicação da teoria do propósito negocial como instrumento limitador ao
planejamento tributário lícito, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e da análise de casos
recentes do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (CARF). Para tanto, o
trabalho foi divido em quatro capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, discute-se o direito ao
planejamento tributário sob a ótica da Constituição Federal de 1988. Em seguida,
são abordados os aspectos que caracterizam tanto a elisão fiscal quanto a evasão
fiscal. No terceiro capítulo, é explorada a teoria do propósito negocial, desde sua
origem até sua aplicação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, e do posicionamento do
CARF em relação ao tema, incluindo os critérios utilizados pelo órgão administrativo
para caracterizar um negócio jurídico como ausente de propósito negocial. No quarto
e último capítulo, são examinados criticamente a doutrina e as decisões do tribunal
administrativo, concluindo que, com base nas normas constitucionais e
infraconstitucionais, o propósito negocial não pode ser invocado pela administração
fiscal para desconsiderar o negócio jurídico realizado pelo contribuinte de forma
The present work aims to critically analyze the application of the theory of business purpose as a limiting tool for lawful tax planning, through bibliographic research and analysis of recent cases from the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF). For this purpose, the work was divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the right to tax planning from the perspective of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. Then, the aspects that characterize both tax avoidance and tax evasion are addressed. In the third chapter, the theory of business purpose is explored, from its origin to its application in the Brazilian legal system, and the CARF's position on the subject including the criteria used by the administrative body to characterize a legal transaction lacking business purpose. In the fourth and final chapter, the doctrine and decisions of the administrative court are critically examined, concluding that, based on constitutional and infraconstitutional norms, the business purpose cannot be invoked by the tax authorities to disregard a lawfully executed legal transaction by the taxpayer.
The present work aims to critically analyze the application of the theory of business purpose as a limiting tool for lawful tax planning, through bibliographic research and analysis of recent cases from the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF). For this purpose, the work was divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the right to tax planning from the perspective of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. Then, the aspects that characterize both tax avoidance and tax evasion are addressed. In the third chapter, the theory of business purpose is explored, from its origin to its application in the Brazilian legal system, and the CARF's position on the subject including the criteria used by the administrative body to characterize a legal transaction lacking business purpose. In the fourth and final chapter, the doctrine and decisions of the administrative court are critically examined, concluding that, based on constitutional and infraconstitutional norms, the business purpose cannot be invoked by the tax authorities to disregard a lawfully executed legal transaction by the taxpayer.
planejamento tributário , propósito negocial , elisão fiscal , evasão fiscal , tax planning , business purpose , tax avoidance , tax evasion