A função social do salário-maternidade na adoção e o princípio da proteção integral
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Dias, Larucha Santos de Souza
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo e a análise da função social do salário-maternidade no Brasil, bem como de sua importância e evolução legislativa ao longo do tempo, de forma a contemplar os adotantes como beneficiários deste. Dentre direitos e garantias, a Constituição Federal de 1988 passou a ter um novo olhar sobre as crianças e adolescentes, tratando-os como sujeitos de direito e assegurando-os com absoluta prioridade. A nova ordem constitucional garantiu maior efetividade dos direitos fundamentais para crianças, inclusive a igualdade de tratamento entre os filhos biológicos ou não, sejam fruto do casamento ou não. Mas ainda assim há muito desconhecimento sobre a função social da adoção. Neste aspecto, o salário-maternidade pode ser considerado como indutor das adoções. Nesse trabalho, será demonstrada a evolução legislativa do salário-maternidade e como este benefício social (incialmente para mulheres adotantes, atualmente para qualquer pessoa adotante) é, sem dúvida, um dos marcos legais mais importantes para a efetivação dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes. Inicialmente, a lei protegia apenas as gestantes (logo, os filhos biológicos). Posteriormente, houve avanço para incluir as mulheres adotantes, mas havia um cruel escalonamento por faixa etária. Por fim, a legislação ampliou o salário-maternidade para qualquer pessoa adotante (mulheres e homens), reconhecendo a adoção de maneira abrangente e sem discriminação por idade das crianças. Para a pesquisa, utilizou-se o método hipotético-dedutivo, no qual se formulam hipóteses como forma de explicar as dificuldades encontradas no problema, e, posteriormente, deduziu-se as consequências, as quais serão discutidas.
This paper aims to study and analyze the social function of the maternity salary in Brazil, as well as its importance and legislative evolution over time, in order to contemplate adopters as its beneficiaries. Among rights and guarantees, the Brazilian Federal Constitution took a new look at children and adolescents, treating them as subjects of rights and ensuring them absolute priority. The new constitutional order guaranteed greater effectiveness of fundamental rights for children, including equal treatment between biological and non-biological children, whether they are the result of marriage or not. But still there is a lot of ignorance about the social function of adoption. In this aspect, the maternity salary can be considered as an inducer for adoptions. In this work, the legislative evolution of maternity salary will be demonstrated, and how this social benefit (initially for adopting women, currently for any adopting person) is - without a doubt - one of the most important legal milestones for the accomplishment of children and teenagers' rights. Initially, the law protected only pregnant women (therefore, their biological children). Later, there was an advance to include adopting women, but there was a cruel staggering by age group. Finally, the legislation extended the maternity salary to any adopting person (women and men), recognizing the adoption in a comprehensive manner and without discrimination by the children's age. For the research, the hypothetical-deductive method was used, in which hypotheses are formulated as a way to explain the difficulties encountered in the problem, and, subsequently, the consequences, which will be discussed.
This paper aims to study and analyze the social function of the maternity salary in Brazil, as well as its importance and legislative evolution over time, in order to contemplate adopters as its beneficiaries. Among rights and guarantees, the Brazilian Federal Constitution took a new look at children and adolescents, treating them as subjects of rights and ensuring them absolute priority. The new constitutional order guaranteed greater effectiveness of fundamental rights for children, including equal treatment between biological and non-biological children, whether they are the result of marriage or not. But still there is a lot of ignorance about the social function of adoption. In this aspect, the maternity salary can be considered as an inducer for adoptions. In this work, the legislative evolution of maternity salary will be demonstrated, and how this social benefit (initially for adopting women, currently for any adopting person) is - without a doubt - one of the most important legal milestones for the accomplishment of children and teenagers' rights. Initially, the law protected only pregnant women (therefore, their biological children). Later, there was an advance to include adopting women, but there was a cruel staggering by age group. Finally, the legislation extended the maternity salary to any adopting person (women and men), recognizing the adoption in a comprehensive manner and without discrimination by the children's age. For the research, the hypothetical-deductive method was used, in which hypotheses are formulated as a way to explain the difficulties encountered in the problem, and, subsequently, the consequences, which will be discussed.
salário-maternidade , adoção , função social , criança e adolescente , maternity pay , adoption , social function , child and adolescent