Adoção ilegal e o tráfico de crianças venezuelanas no Brasil
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Morte, Julia Moscato
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O presente artigo acadêmico elucida a questão do tráfico de crianças venezuelanas no
Brasil com a finalidade da adoção ilegal. Com o aumento significativo do fluxo migratório de
venezuelanos para o Brasil nas últimas décadas e, consequentemente, com as vulnerabilidades
geradas à essa população, verificou-se um aumento de casos em que crianças venezuelanas são
traficadas e inseridas em redes ilegais de adoção. Neste estudo, foram analisadas as razões desta
problemática, as características das vítimas envolvidas, bem como os conceitos legais e medidas
políticas adotadas no Brasil para combater esse crime e oferecer proteção a essas crianças.
This academic article elucidates the issue of trafficking Venezuelan children in Brazil for the purpose of illegal adoption. With the significant increase in the migratory flow of Venezuelans to Brazil in recent decades and, consequently, with the vulnerabilities generated for this population, there has been an expansion in cases in which Venezuelan children are trafficked and inserted into illegal adoption networks. In this study, the reasons for this problem were analyzed, the characteristics of the victims involved, as well as the legal concepts and political measures adopted in Brazil to combat this crime and offer protection to these children.
This academic article elucidates the issue of trafficking Venezuelan children in Brazil for the purpose of illegal adoption. With the significant increase in the migratory flow of Venezuelans to Brazil in recent decades and, consequently, with the vulnerabilities generated for this population, there has been an expansion in cases in which Venezuelan children are trafficked and inserted into illegal adoption networks. In this study, the reasons for this problem were analyzed, the characteristics of the victims involved, as well as the legal concepts and political measures adopted in Brazil to combat this crime and offer protection to these children.
direitos humanos , tráfico de pessoas , tráfico de crianças , adoção ilegal , human rights , human trafficking , child trafficking , illegal adoption