Direito de imagem nos contratos de jogadores de futebol
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Oliveira, Isabella Marcondes Castro de
Zocratto, Sérgio de Souza
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Neste trabalho será apresentado um estudo acerca do direito de imagem dos jogadores de futebol e seus desdobramentos. Como um breve relato, no direito desportivo, a lei que predomina é a Lei n° 9.615/58, mais conhecida como a “Lei Pelé”, onde é abordada a autorização do uso de imagem pelo atleta. De acordo com o artigo 87-A, parágrafo único, da Lei Pelé, quando autorizada sua imagem à algum clube ou entidade de prática desportiva, o valor correspondente ao uso dessa imagem não pode ultrapassar 40% (quarenta por cento) de toda remuneração paga ao jogador. Porém, neste artigo, será explicado que é possível existir meios fraudulentos envolvendo esse tipo de contrato e que para combater tal ato, é de praxe que se estude a lei, além de respeitar a autorização dada pelo atleta para o uso de sua imagem através de um contrato civil.
This paper will present a study on the image rights of soccer players and its developments. As a brief report, in the sports law, the prevailing law is Law no. 9.615/58, better known as the "Pelé Law", where the athlete's authorization for image use is addressed. According to article 87-A, sole paragraph, of the Pelé Law, when a player's image is authorized to a club or sports practice entity, the value corresponding to the use of such image cannot exceed 40% (forty percent) of all remuneration paid to the player. However, in this article, it will be explained that it is possible to have fraudulent means involving this type of contract, and that in order to fight against such an act, it is usual to study the law, in addition to respecting the authorization given by the athlete for the use of his image through a civil contract.
This paper will present a study on the image rights of soccer players and its developments. As a brief report, in the sports law, the prevailing law is Law no. 9.615/58, better known as the "Pelé Law", where the athlete's authorization for image use is addressed. According to article 87-A, sole paragraph, of the Pelé Law, when a player's image is authorized to a club or sports practice entity, the value corresponding to the use of such image cannot exceed 40% (forty percent) of all remuneration paid to the player. However, in this article, it will be explained that it is possible to have fraudulent means involving this type of contract, and that in order to fight against such an act, it is usual to study the law, in addition to respecting the authorization given by the athlete for the use of his image through a civil contract.
contrato de trabalho , atleta , futebol , direito de imagem , Pelé law , athlete , soccer , image rights