Súmulas vinculantes: consistem numa forma indireta de lei?
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Caldeira, Gustavo Julião
Lorencini, Bruno César
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A presente monografia procurou entender o instituto das Súmulas Vinculantes, trazidas
pela Emenda Constitucional n° 45, que introduziu ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e sua
interação com o princípio da separação dos poderes. Para tanto, o trabalho valeu-se da pesquisa
exploratória, por meio de fontes documentais e bibliográficas, e foi dividido em cinco capítulos.
No primeiro, foi realizada a análise da separação dos poderes, dando enfoque ao ativismo
judicial. Já no segundo capítulo, foi feita uma análise do surgimento da Súmula Vinculante,
bem como dos contornos e regras estabelecidas para sua utilização. No terceiro capítulo, foram
abordados os requisitos para a criação de uma súmula vinculante e seus efeitos no mundo
jurídico. Por fim, aborda-se sobre as consequências da violação das súmulas vinculantes e quais
seriam seus efeitos, penalidades, em caso de violação.
This dissertation aimed to understand the institute of Binding Precedents, brought by Constitutional Amendment No. 45, which introduced to the Brazilian legal system and its interaction with the principle of separation of powers. To do so, the work used exploratory research, through documentary and bibliographic sources, and was divided into five chapters. In the first, the analysis of the separation of powers was carried out, focusing on judicial activism. In the second chapter, an analysis was made of the emergence of Binding Precedents, as well as the contours and rules established for their use. In the third chapter, the requirements for the creation of a Binding Precedent and its effects on the legal world were discussed. Finally, the consequences of the violation of Binding Precedents and what would be their effects, penalties, in case of violation were addressed.
This dissertation aimed to understand the institute of Binding Precedents, brought by Constitutional Amendment No. 45, which introduced to the Brazilian legal system and its interaction with the principle of separation of powers. To do so, the work used exploratory research, through documentary and bibliographic sources, and was divided into five chapters. In the first, the analysis of the separation of powers was carried out, focusing on judicial activism. In the second chapter, an analysis was made of the emergence of Binding Precedents, as well as the contours and rules established for their use. In the third chapter, the requirements for the creation of a Binding Precedent and its effects on the legal world were discussed. Finally, the consequences of the violation of Binding Precedents and what would be their effects, penalties, in case of violation were addressed.
emenda constitucional nº 45 , súmula vinculante , efeitos jurídicos , constitutional amendment nº 45 , binding precedents , separation of powers