Abandono afetivo: análise sobre eventual responsabilidade dos filhos para com pais ausentes
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Calsolari, Henrique Zanetti
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a possibilidade do filho de se eximir de suas obrigações decorrentes da filiação por conta do abandono afetivo e da quebra dos deveres advindos do poder familiar por parte dos pais, como o dever de cuidado e o dever de sustento. O abandono afetivo decorre da negligência e do descuido de quem tem o dever de cuidar, além da quebra de outros deveres inerentes ao poder familiar, causando diversos danos ao desenvolvimento sadio da criança e do adolescente. Por consequência, é possível a existência de responsabilidade civil e perda do direito de exigir que os filhos, que foram submetidos ao abandono afetivo e tiveram seus cuidados negligenciados pelos pais, cumpram com as obrigações decorrentes da filiação como, por exemplo, a obrigação recíproca de alimentos, uma vez que essas obrigações têm caráter recíproco e não podem ser evocadas pelos pais se estes não cumpriram com seus deveres e não criaram uma relação de afeto e cuidado com os filhos. Assim, a partir de uma análise doutrinária e jurisprudencial do tema, com revisão bibliográfica, o trabalho passou pelos temas do abandono afetivo, do dever de cuidado, das obrigações alimentares e sanções civis e chegou à conclusão de que o filho que não recebeu cuidado e afeto dos pais pode se eximir das obrigações alimentares e de cuidado decorrentes da filiação, por conta da falta da reciprocidade e da sanção civil de perda de direitos que os pais podem sofrer por não terem cumprido com as obrigações que tinham na criação dos filhos.
The present work aims to analyze the possibility of the child to exempt himself from his obligations that comes with the filiation due to affective abandonment and the breach of duties that comes from the family power on the part of the parents, such as the duty of care and the duty of support. Affective abandonment results from the negligence and carelessness of those who have the duty to care, in addition to the breach of other duties inherent to family power, causing various damages to the healthy development of children and adolescents. Consequently, it is possible that there is civil liability and loss of the right to demand that children, who were subjected to emotional abandonment and whose care was neglected by their parents, comply with the obligations arising from filiation, such as, for example, the reciprocal obligation of maintenance, since these obligations are reciprocal and cannot be evoked by the parents if they have not fulfilled their duties and have not created a relationship of affection and care with the children. Thus, based on a doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the subject, with a bibliographic review, the work went through the themes of affective abandonment, the duty of care, maintenance obligations and civil sanctions and reached the conclusion that the child who did not receive care and parental affection can be exempt from the maintenance and care obligations resulting from filiation, due to the lack of reciprocity and the civil sanction of loss of rights that parents may suffer for not having fulfilled the obligations they had in raising their children.
The present work aims to analyze the possibility of the child to exempt himself from his obligations that comes with the filiation due to affective abandonment and the breach of duties that comes from the family power on the part of the parents, such as the duty of care and the duty of support. Affective abandonment results from the negligence and carelessness of those who have the duty to care, in addition to the breach of other duties inherent to family power, causing various damages to the healthy development of children and adolescents. Consequently, it is possible that there is civil liability and loss of the right to demand that children, who were subjected to emotional abandonment and whose care was neglected by their parents, comply with the obligations arising from filiation, such as, for example, the reciprocal obligation of maintenance, since these obligations are reciprocal and cannot be evoked by the parents if they have not fulfilled their duties and have not created a relationship of affection and care with the children. Thus, based on a doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the subject, with a bibliographic review, the work went through the themes of affective abandonment, the duty of care, maintenance obligations and civil sanctions and reached the conclusion that the child who did not receive care and parental affection can be exempt from the maintenance and care obligations resulting from filiation, due to the lack of reciprocity and the civil sanction of loss of rights that parents may suffer for not having fulfilled the obligations they had in raising their children.
abandono afetivo , dever de cuidado , obrigação recíproca de alimentos , responsabilidade civil , affective abandonment , care obligation , reciprocal maintenance obligation , civil responsability