Boate Kiss, uma análise das influências midiáticas e os seus desdobramentos
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Kim, Fernando Taeju
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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A tragédia ocorrida em 27 de janeiro de 2013, dentro da Boate Kiss, em Santa Maria – RS, foi um incidente de comoção nacional que culminou na morte de 242 pessoas e foi amplamente veiculado pelos inúmeros canais de comunicação existentes no país. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa buscou analisar o posicionamento da mídia que, apoiada no populismo penal midiático, criou um padrão que possibilita que uma tragédia se configure em uma escala ainda maior. O trabalho também buscou evidenciar a influência da mídia na banalização do dolo eventual, especificamente no caso mencionado, e no poder legislativo. Realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica tendo como objeto o caso da Boate Kiss e dois dos maiores e mais importantes telejornais brasileiros, o Jornal Nacional e o Jornal da Record. Além disso, forma analisados os direitos, garantias e princípios processuais afetados pela grande mídia em torno da tragédia ocorrida em Santa Maria, deixando claro as incongruências e violações identificadas.
The tragedy occurred on January 27, 2013, inside the Kiss Nightclub, in Santa Maria- Rs, was a national commotion incident that culminated in the death of 242 people and was widely publicized by the numerous communication channels existing in the country. In this way, this research sought to analyze the position of the media that, supported by mediatic penal populism, created a pattern that made it possible for a tragedy to configure itsef on an even large scale. The work also sought to highlight the influence of the media in the trivialization of dolus eventualis, especially in the mentioned case, and in the legislative power, in addition to carrying out an empirical research having as object the Kiss Nightclub case and two of the largest and most important Brazilian television news programs, the Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record. In addition, it analyzed the procedural rights, guarantees and principles affected by the mainstream media surrounding the tragedy that occurred in Santa Maria, making clear the inconsistencies and violations identified.
The tragedy occurred on January 27, 2013, inside the Kiss Nightclub, in Santa Maria- Rs, was a national commotion incident that culminated in the death of 242 people and was widely publicized by the numerous communication channels existing in the country. In this way, this research sought to analyze the position of the media that, supported by mediatic penal populism, created a pattern that made it possible for a tragedy to configure itsef on an even large scale. The work also sought to highlight the influence of the media in the trivialization of dolus eventualis, especially in the mentioned case, and in the legislative power, in addition to carrying out an empirical research having as object the Kiss Nightclub case and two of the largest and most important Brazilian television news programs, the Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record. In addition, it analyzed the procedural rights, guarantees and principles affected by the mainstream media surrounding the tragedy that occurred in Santa Maria, making clear the inconsistencies and violations identified.
boate kiss , populismo penal midiático , espetacularização de tragédias , kiss nightclub , mediatic penal populism , spectacularization of tragedies