A responsabilidade civil dos influenciadores digitais que fazem publicidade de plataformas digitais de jogos de azar e apostas online à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Marçal, Carolina Hespanhol Pinheiro
Souza, André Pagani de
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho se dedica sobre a questão da responsabilidade civil, em face da figura
do influenciador digital, na divulgação de plataformas digitais que oferecem jogos de azar
considerados ilícitos pela legislação brasileira. Isto, pois, apesar do ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro considerar uma contravenção penal “estabelecer ou explorar jogo de azar em lugar
público ou acessível ao público” desde 1941, nos últimos anos houve um aumento significativo
do uso de plataformas de jogos de azar online no Brasil. Nesse sentido, o propósito geral deste
trabalho é apresentar o papel dos influenciadores digitais na publicidade dessas plataformas,
além de compreender os impactos causados pela disseminação desse conteúdo no mercado de
consumo desse segmento no Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise da evolução histórica
dos jogos de azar e da previsão legal da sua prática no Brasil, dando ênfase às plataformas que
oferecem esse tipo de serviço na internet. Posto isto, este estudo buscou esclarecer a estrutura
de um site e os serviços necessários para o seu funcionamento na rede, para, ao final, trazer
uma conclusão a respeito da legalidade dessas plataformas no Brasil e, consequentemente, a
responsabilidade civil dessas personalidades na publicidade desses serviços.
The figure of the digital influencer has grown severely in our country, the ease of access to social media, coupled with improvements in electronic devices and the advent of wireless networks have materialized new forms of communication and contact between people. It is worth mentioning that we have in the palm of our hand news, be it fake or true, social networks, stores, dictionaries, books, videos, memes, movies, an option that used to be unthinkable. This work is about civil liability in the digital age, in face of the figure of the digital influencer. In this sense, the general purpose of this work is to present the role of digital influencers in consumer relations mediated by them, through the dissemination of advertising content, in addition to understanding the impacts that these professionals cause in the lives of consumers. To this end, we used the methodology of bibliographic research, reading academic works, consulting research institutions and jurisprudential analysis. Having said that, essential concepts for the theme were approached, and the power of influence that influencers hold was verified, being attributed to them the role of mediators in the relationship between supplier and consumer.
The figure of the digital influencer has grown severely in our country, the ease of access to social media, coupled with improvements in electronic devices and the advent of wireless networks have materialized new forms of communication and contact between people. It is worth mentioning that we have in the palm of our hand news, be it fake or true, social networks, stores, dictionaries, books, videos, memes, movies, an option that used to be unthinkable. This work is about civil liability in the digital age, in face of the figure of the digital influencer. In this sense, the general purpose of this work is to present the role of digital influencers in consumer relations mediated by them, through the dissemination of advertising content, in addition to understanding the impacts that these professionals cause in the lives of consumers. To this end, we used the methodology of bibliographic research, reading academic works, consulting research institutions and jurisprudential analysis. Having said that, essential concepts for the theme were approached, and the power of influence that influencers hold was verified, being attributed to them the role of mediators in the relationship between supplier and consumer.
influenciador digital , jogos de azar , responsabilidade civil , apostas online , digital influencer , gambling , civil liability , iGaming