Destino da tutela de urgência deferida em segunda instância após ser proferida sentença de mérito na ação de conhecimento
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Nascimento, Bruno Tibério do
Souza, André Pagani de
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Este artigo aborda o destino da tutela de urgência deferida em segunda instância depois de ser proferida sentença de mérito na ação de conhecimento, rejeitando os pedidos iniciais formulados pelo Autor. O objeto de estudo deste artigo é corriqueiramente objeto de debate entre os operadores do direito, principalmente nos casos em há risco de dano a uma parte na hipótese de desaparecimento da medida liminar anteriormente concedida. Foi realizado um estudo doutrinário e jurisprudencial com o objetivo de analisar as 3 (três) correntes doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais acerca do tema. A análise, em linhas gerais, demonstrou que 2 (duas) correntes de estudo aplicam de forma indistinta os critérios da cognição e hierarquia para resolução da questão. No entanto, há uma corrente de estudo, que parece ser mais equilibrada, que estabelece a necessidade de ponderar entre a aplicação dos critérios em referência, analisando o contexto fático probatório em que foi deferida a tutela de urgência e foi proferida a sentença de mérito.
This article addresses the fate of emergency guardianship granted at the appellate level after a merit judgment has been rendered in the lawsuit, rejecting the plaintiff's initial claims. The subject matter of this article is commonly debated among legal practitioners, especially in cases where there is a risk of harm to a party in the event of the disappearance of the previously granted interim measure. A doctrinal and jurisprudential study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the three doctrinal and jurisprudential currents regarding the topic. The analysis, in general terms, demonstrated that two study currents apply the criteria of cognition and hierarchy indistinctly to resolve the issue. However, there is a study current that seems to be more balanced and establishes the need to weigh the application of the aforementioned criteria, analyzing the factual and probative context in which the emergency guardianship was granted and the merit judgment was rendered.
This article addresses the fate of emergency guardianship granted at the appellate level after a merit judgment has been rendered in the lawsuit, rejecting the plaintiff's initial claims. The subject matter of this article is commonly debated among legal practitioners, especially in cases where there is a risk of harm to a party in the event of the disappearance of the previously granted interim measure. A doctrinal and jurisprudential study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the three doctrinal and jurisprudential currents regarding the topic. The analysis, in general terms, demonstrated that two study currents apply the criteria of cognition and hierarchy indistinctly to resolve the issue. However, there is a study current that seems to be more balanced and establishes the need to weigh the application of the aforementioned criteria, analyzing the factual and probative context in which the emergency guardianship was granted and the merit judgment was rendered.
tutela provisória , agravo de instrumento , sentença , vigência da tutela de urgencia , interim relief , interlocutory appeal , judgment , effectiveness of emergency guardianship