O interesse social e o plano alternativo de credores
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Rosa, Bruno Henrique
Bezerra Filho, Manoel Justino
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Membros da banca
O presente estudo busca examinar a aplicação das teorias de interesse social, com origem no direito societário, ao plano alternativo de credores, instituto inserido na Lei 11.101/2005 pela Lei 14.112/2020. O objetivo do trabalho é demonstrar que a lei em seu estado atual relativizou a concepção institucionalista emanada sobretudo do seu artigo 47 em detrimento da corrente contratualista. Para isso, a pesquisa consistiu (i) na apresentação de aspectos históricos do tratamento da insolvência empresarial no direito brasileiro; (ii) no exame da legislação, com apoio de pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial; e (iii) na análise de casos concretos e pareceres jurídicos apresentados pelas partes em determinados casos. Ao final, foi possível concluir que o plano alternativo de credores concretiza um dos objetivos da Lei 11.101/2005, mencionado mo artigo 47, que é o interesse dos credores, mas não necessariamente se compromete com o princípio da preservação da empresa.
The present study aims to examine the application of theories of social interest, originated from corporate law, to the creditors’ alternative plan, an institute provided for Law 11,101/2005, as amended by Law 14,112/2020. The objective of the work is to demonstrate that the law in its current state relativized the institutionalist line of thought emanated mainly from its article 47 to the detriment of the contractualist line of thought. For these purposes, the research consisted of (i) the presentation of historical aspects of the treatment of corporate insolvency by the Brazilian law; (ii) the examination of the legislation, with the support of doctrinal and jurisprudential research; and (iii) the analysis of specific cases and legal opinions presented by the parties within the scope certain cases. In the end, it was possible to conclude that the creditors’ alternative plan fulfills one of the objectives of the Law 11,101/2005, mentioned in article 47, which is the interest of creditors, but does not necessarily commit to the principle of preserve the business.
The present study aims to examine the application of theories of social interest, originated from corporate law, to the creditors’ alternative plan, an institute provided for Law 11,101/2005, as amended by Law 14,112/2020. The objective of the work is to demonstrate that the law in its current state relativized the institutionalist line of thought emanated mainly from its article 47 to the detriment of the contractualist line of thought. For these purposes, the research consisted of (i) the presentation of historical aspects of the treatment of corporate insolvency by the Brazilian law; (ii) the examination of the legislation, with the support of doctrinal and jurisprudential research; and (iii) the analysis of specific cases and legal opinions presented by the parties within the scope certain cases. In the end, it was possible to conclude that the creditors’ alternative plan fulfills one of the objectives of the Law 11,101/2005, mentioned in article 47, which is the interest of creditors, but does not necessarily commit to the principle of preserve the business.
interesse social , função social , plano alternativo de credores , recuperação de empresas , social interest , social funcion , creditors' alternative plan , companies reorganization