Economia circular e capitalismo regenerativo como ferramentas de efetivação da agenda 2030: uma análise do desenvolvimento sustentável na indústria fast-fashion
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Cavariani, Betina Ruvieri
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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Trata-se de trabalho de conclusão de curso que analisa a possibilidade de práticas
voltadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável na indústria fast-fashion, notadamente uma das mais
poluentes do mundo. Para isso, propõe-se a implementação da economia circular, que baseada
no conceito de capitalismo regenerativo, vale-se de novas formas sistêmicas de produção e
comercialização da moda, de forma a objetivar o atingimento da Agenda 2030 no que tange o
combate às violações de direitos humanos, com parâmetro nas metas dos Objetivos de
Desenvolvimento Sustentáveis (ODS) e preceitos de práticas de ASG (Ambiental, Social e
Governança). Para tanto, foram analisadas tanto a atuação dos consumidores baseada no
contexto histórico industrial e consumerista, quanto das empresas, examinando-se os efeitos
sociais, econômicos e ambientais negativos da cadeia produtiva. Verifica-se que para promover
a adoção da economia circular no Brasil, bem como a transformação do sistema capitalista, é
importante que existam incentivos legais e jurídicos promissores, sendo fundamental que o
Direito se envolva nesta discussão para estabelecer normas e diretrizes que encorajam práticas
mais sustentáveis. Para tanto, utiliza-se o método indutivo e a metodologia se executa no exame
de fontes primárias e secundárias sobre o tema apresentado.
The present work is a final thesis that analyzes the potential sustainable development in the fast-fashion industry, notably one of the most polluting in the world, through the circular economy, based on the concept of regenerative capitalism, using new systemic forms of production and commercialization, with the objective of achieving Agenda 2030 concerning the fight against human rights violations, guided by the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) precepts. The thesis addresses the role of consumers based on the historical industrial and consumerist context, as well as that of companies, examining the negative social, economic, and environmental effects of the production chain. It is observed that in order to promote the adoption of the circular economy in Brazil, as well as the transformation of the capitalist system, it is important to have promising legal and regulatory incentives, and it is essential for national Law to be involved in this discussion to establish norms and guidelines that encourage more sustainable practices. To do so, the thesis uses an inductive method, and the methodology involves the examination of primary and secondary sources on the presented topic.
The present work is a final thesis that analyzes the potential sustainable development in the fast-fashion industry, notably one of the most polluting in the world, through the circular economy, based on the concept of regenerative capitalism, using new systemic forms of production and commercialization, with the objective of achieving Agenda 2030 concerning the fight against human rights violations, guided by the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) precepts. The thesis addresses the role of consumers based on the historical industrial and consumerist context, as well as that of companies, examining the negative social, economic, and environmental effects of the production chain. It is observed that in order to promote the adoption of the circular economy in Brazil, as well as the transformation of the capitalist system, it is important to have promising legal and regulatory incentives, and it is essential for national Law to be involved in this discussion to establish norms and guidelines that encourage more sustainable practices. To do so, the thesis uses an inductive method, and the methodology involves the examination of primary and secondary sources on the presented topic.
objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS) , direito internacional , ESG , capitalismo regenerativo , sustainable development goals (SDGs) , internetional law , regenerative capitalism , circular economy