A Reforma Trabalhista e o desfalque do modelo sindical Jus Trabalhista - Liame para idealização de defensorias públicas no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho
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Motta, Beatriz Beré
Rodrigues, Ivandick Cruzelles
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O presente artigo versa sobre a evolução do pensamento coletivo desde os primórdios da produção manufatureira até significativa mudança no cerne do modo de produção atrelado à Revolução Industrial responsável por, no quadro da industrialização tardia brasileira, aflorar a consciência de classe e o sindicalismo como instrumento de luta por direitos trabalhistas. Para tanto, a contextualização da empreitada corporativista associada ao Estado Novo de Getúlio Vargas junto à robusta propaganda estatal em prol do sindicalismo como ferramenta de apoio estatal e garantia ao acesso às leis trabalhistas criadas nesse período é ponto de partida necessário para compreensão dos traços burocráticos mantidos ao longo das décadas subsequentes até o atual cenário sindical brasileiro, como forma de afunilar a metamorfose das entidades sindicais brasileiras, mormente relacionadas aos diversos contextos políticos vivenciados. Isso posto, o recorte direcionado à Reforma Trabalhista de 2017 traz ao tema discutido importante percepção acerca do nexo existente entre a desobrigação da contribuição sindical, principal meio de subsistência dos sindicatos desde o modelo arcaico varguista, e desmonte sindical, como traços de um sistema jus trabalhista sustentado desde a Era Vargas, os quais causam severas dificuldades de soerguimento dos sindicatos na atual conjuntura. De maneira exemplificativa, as pesquisas de campo realizadas no âmago das principais entidades sindicais de São Paulo e Região do Grande ABC, visam elucidar as precípuas dificuldades enfrentadas no tocante ao cenário pós- Reforma, especificamente no que tange a capacidade de sindicalização desprovida do imposto sindical, e os desafios para o futuro do cenário sindical no Brasil. Por fim, de maneira empírica, diante do resultado apontado nas pesquisas, dos diagnósticos doutrinários e da recente decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal acerca da retomada das contribuições sindicais, vislumbra-se a possibilidade de existência de defensorias públicas no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho como garantia de representação dos trabalhadores, ainda que de forma complementar, tendo em vista o exorbitante impacto da Reforma Trabalhista na representação jurídica dos empregados.
This article deals with the evolution of collective thinking from the beginnings of manufacturing production to a significant change in the core of the mode of production linked to the Industrial Revolution responsible for, in the context of late Brazilian industrialization, the emergence of class consciousness and unionism as an instrument of struggle for labor rights. To this end, the contextualization of the corporatist endeavor associated with the Estado Novo of president Getúlio Vargas together with the robust state propaganda in favor of unionism as a tool of state support and guarantee of access to the labor laws created in that period is a necessary starting point for understanding the bureaucratic traits maintained over the subsequent decades to the current Brazilian trade union scene, as a way of funneling the metamorphosis of Brazilian union entities, mainly related to the different political contexts experienced. That said, the focus on the 2017 Labor Reform brings to the topic discussed an important perception about the link between the release of union dues, the main means of subsistence for unions since the archaic Vargas model, and union dismantling, as traits of a system of justice. sustained labor since the Vargas Era, which cause severe difficulties in uplifting unions in the current situation. As an example, the field surveys carried out at the core of the main union entities in São Paulo and the Greater ABC Region, aim to elucidate the main difficulties faced in relation to the post-Reform scenario, specifically about the ability to unionize without union dues, and the challenges for the future of the trade union scene in Brazil. Finally, empirically, given the results pointed out in the research, the doctrinal diagnoses, and the recent decision of the Federal Supreme Court regarding the resumption of union contributions, the possibility of the existence of public defenders in the scope of the Labor Court as a guarantee representation of workers, albeit in a complementary way, in view of the exorbitant impact of the Labor Reform on the legal representation of employees.
This article deals with the evolution of collective thinking from the beginnings of manufacturing production to a significant change in the core of the mode of production linked to the Industrial Revolution responsible for, in the context of late Brazilian industrialization, the emergence of class consciousness and unionism as an instrument of struggle for labor rights. To this end, the contextualization of the corporatist endeavor associated with the Estado Novo of president Getúlio Vargas together with the robust state propaganda in favor of unionism as a tool of state support and guarantee of access to the labor laws created in that period is a necessary starting point for understanding the bureaucratic traits maintained over the subsequent decades to the current Brazilian trade union scene, as a way of funneling the metamorphosis of Brazilian union entities, mainly related to the different political contexts experienced. That said, the focus on the 2017 Labor Reform brings to the topic discussed an important perception about the link between the release of union dues, the main means of subsistence for unions since the archaic Vargas model, and union dismantling, as traits of a system of justice. sustained labor since the Vargas Era, which cause severe difficulties in uplifting unions in the current situation. As an example, the field surveys carried out at the core of the main union entities in São Paulo and the Greater ABC Region, aim to elucidate the main difficulties faced in relation to the post-Reform scenario, specifically about the ability to unionize without union dues, and the challenges for the future of the trade union scene in Brazil. Finally, empirically, given the results pointed out in the research, the doctrinal diagnoses, and the recent decision of the Federal Supreme Court regarding the resumption of union contributions, the possibility of the existence of public defenders in the scope of the Labor Court as a guarantee representation of workers, albeit in a complementary way, in view of the exorbitant impact of the Labor Reform on the legal representation of employees.
sindicalismo brasileiro , direito coletivo do trabalho , reforma trabalhista , defensorias públicas , brazilian unionism , collective labor law , labor reform , public defenders