Responsabilidade civil nos casos de alienação parental
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Franceschi, Ana Vitória Rolim
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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Este artigo científico tem como objetivo analisar a responsabilidade civil do genitor que pratica atos de alienação, as punições previstas na legislação e a possível reparação por danos morais ao genitor alienado. Em resumo, a alienação parental é reconhecida como abuso do poder familiar, geralmente ocorrendo após a separação conjugal. O foco deste trabalho é examinar a Lei 12.318/2010, que trata da alienação parental, fornecendo definições e exemplos de medidas utilizadas para prevenir comportamentos alienantes, minimizando seus efeitos e refletir a ocorrência da Síndrome de Alienação Parental. Além disso, aborda a responsabilização por danos morais decorrentes da prática alienadora, uma vez que alguns pais, mesmo diante das disposições e sanções legais, colocam o conflito pessoal acima do bem-estar da criança, configurando assim a alienação parental e a possibilidade de responsabilidade civil. Para embasar o estudo, foram consultadas doutrinas, jurisprudências e legislações que abordam os conceitos de alienação parental, responsabilidade civil e dano moral. O método utilizado para a elaboração deste artigo científico foi o de compilação e dedutivo, juntamente com pesquisa bibliográfica e legislativa.
This scientific article aims to analyze the civil liability of the parent who engages in acts of parental alienation, the penalties provided for in legislation, and the reparation for moral damages to the alienated parent. In summary, parental alienation is recognized as an abuse of parental authority, usually occurring after conjugal separation. The focus of this study is to examine Law 12.318/2010, which addresses parental alienation, providing definitions and examples of measures used to prevent alienating behaviors, thereby minimizing their effects and the occurrence of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Additionally, it addresses the accountability for moral damages resulting from alienating practices, as some parents, even in the face of legal provisions and sanctions, prioritize personal conflict over the child's well-being, thus constituting parental alienation and the possibility of civil liability. To support this study, doctrines, case law, and legislation that address the concepts of parental alienation, civil responsibility, and moral damages were consulted. The method employed in the development of this scientific article was deductive and compilation-based, incorporating bibliographic and legislative research.
This scientific article aims to analyze the civil liability of the parent who engages in acts of parental alienation, the penalties provided for in legislation, and the reparation for moral damages to the alienated parent. In summary, parental alienation is recognized as an abuse of parental authority, usually occurring after conjugal separation. The focus of this study is to examine Law 12.318/2010, which addresses parental alienation, providing definitions and examples of measures used to prevent alienating behaviors, thereby minimizing their effects and the occurrence of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Additionally, it addresses the accountability for moral damages resulting from alienating practices, as some parents, even in the face of legal provisions and sanctions, prioritize personal conflict over the child's well-being, thus constituting parental alienation and the possibility of civil liability. To support this study, doctrines, case law, and legislation that address the concepts of parental alienation, civil responsibility, and moral damages were consulted. The method employed in the development of this scientific article was deductive and compilation-based, incorporating bibliographic and legislative research.
responsabilidade civil , alienação parental , lei 12.318/10 , dano moral , civil liability , parental alienation , law 12.318/10 , moral damage