Os efeitos da plataformização nas relações de trabalho
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Formici, Ana Paula
Andrade, Tatiana Guimarães Ferraz
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise da crescente evolução trabalhista, essencialmente diante da Quarta Revolução Industrial, que trouxe um número significativo modificações para a relação laboral devido ao modelo de plataformização, alterando permanentemente a economia mundial. Tal tema originou controvérsias, ainda presentes em nossa sociedade, quanto à aplicação de garantias associadas ao vínculo empregatício. Para tanto, frente ao debate relativo à relação laboral dos trabalhadores para com às respectivas plataformas online, a presente tese ressalta os conceitos de sharing economy, crowdwork, crowdsourcing e multercerização, bem como debate as diferenças entre o trabalho autônomo e subordinação e como as tecnologias emergentes afetaram a esfera jurídica. Com a finalidade de abordar a possível necessidade de estabelecimento de legislação específico para o novo modelo, ou se inexiste problema de anomia.
The final paper aims to analyze the growing evolution of work, especially given the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brought a significant number of modifications to the labor hiring relationship due to the new platformization model, permanently modifying the worldwide economy. Said subject-matter developed controversy, still present in our society, concerning the application of guarantees in the employment relationship. Therefore, in the view of the debate regarding the labor hiring relationship between the workers and the respective online platforms, the present theses emphasize the concepts of sharing economy, crowdwork, crowdsourcing and multi-outsourcing, as well as debate the differences between self-employment and subordination, and how the emerging technologies affected the juridical environment. With the purpose to address the possible requirement of stablishing specific legislation, or the absence of an anomy problem.
The final paper aims to analyze the growing evolution of work, especially given the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brought a significant number of modifications to the labor hiring relationship due to the new platformization model, permanently modifying the worldwide economy. Said subject-matter developed controversy, still present in our society, concerning the application of guarantees in the employment relationship. Therefore, in the view of the debate regarding the labor hiring relationship between the workers and the respective online platforms, the present theses emphasize the concepts of sharing economy, crowdwork, crowdsourcing and multi-outsourcing, as well as debate the differences between self-employment and subordination, and how the emerging technologies affected the juridical environment. With the purpose to address the possible requirement of stablishing specific legislation, or the absence of an anomy problem.
plataforma digital , vínculo empregatício , uberização , digital platform , labor hiring relationship , uberization