Responsabilidade civil: um estudo analítico
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Isaac, Pedro Vieira de Carvalho
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar, examinar e descrever conceitos e elementos que integram a teoria da responsabilidade civil, bem como a teoria geral da responsabilidade no Direito, apresentando suas particularidades, similaridades e exemplificando tais elementos utilizando julgamentos de casos concretos, extraídos dos tribunais superiores brasileiros. Busca-se traçar um panorama geral do instituto da responsabilidade civil, identificando os grupos de danos patrimoniais e extrapatrimoniais, bem como a figura dos novos danos, e como servem de baliza para fixar a indenização.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze, examine and describe concepts and elements that make up the theory of civil liability, as well as the general theory of liability in law, presenting their particularities, similarities and exemplifying such elements using judgments of concrete cases, taken from Brazilian higher courts. It seeks to trace an overview of the institute of civil liability, identifying the groups of property damage and extrapatrimonial damage, as well as the figure of new damage, and how they serve as a benchmark for fixing the compensation.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze, examine and describe concepts and elements that make up the theory of civil liability, as well as the general theory of liability in law, presenting their particularities, similarities and exemplifying such elements using judgments of concrete cases, taken from Brazilian higher courts. It seeks to trace an overview of the institute of civil liability, identifying the groups of property damage and extrapatrimonial damage, as well as the figure of new damage, and how they serve as a benchmark for fixing the compensation.
indenização , dano , responsabilidade , compensation , damage , liability