Securitização de recebíveis: apresentando uma forma alternativa ao financiamento imobiliário
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Jarrah, Ymad Mohamad
Rovai, Armando Luiz
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Membros da banca
A partir de uma análise teórica, legal e, em determinado momento, empírica, o presente estudo visa dissertar sobre os principais aspectos da securitização de recebíveis, com enfoque na securitização de recebíveis imobiliários, passando pela sua origem no direito estadunidense, a sua transposição para o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, sua definição, principais sujeitos e o próprio fluxo de funcionamento da securitização. Ainda, define-se o instituto do patrimônio separado e o seu contexto histórico e jurídico. Também busca-se elencar no presente estudo os benefícios e vantagens que a securitização de recebíveis traz aos seus sujeitos em comparação com outras formas de financiamento, bem como informações e dados sobre o panorama do instituto da securitização de recebíveis face ao mercado nos últimos anos, demonstrando, assim, que a securitização é, com efeito, uma ferramenta de financiamento que vem se consolidando e que vem conquistando seu merecido espaço no mercado brasileiro.
Based on a theoretical, legal and, at a given moment, empirical analysis, this study aims to dissert on the main aspects of the securitization of receivables, focusing on the securitization of real estate receivables, through its origin in American law, its transposition into the Brazilian legal system, its definition, main subjects and the very flow of operation of the securitization. Furthermore, the separate heritage institute and its historical and legal context are defined. It is also sought to list in this study the benefits and advantages that the securitization of receivables brings to its subjects in comparison with other forms of financing, as well as information and data on the panorama of the institute of securitization of receivables vis-à-vis the market in recent years, thus demonstrating that securitization is, in fact, a financing tool that has been consolidating and has been gaining its deserved space in the Brazilian market.
Based on a theoretical, legal and, at a given moment, empirical analysis, this study aims to dissert on the main aspects of the securitization of receivables, focusing on the securitization of real estate receivables, through its origin in American law, its transposition into the Brazilian legal system, its definition, main subjects and the very flow of operation of the securitization. Furthermore, the separate heritage institute and its historical and legal context are defined. It is also sought to list in this study the benefits and advantages that the securitization of receivables brings to its subjects in comparison with other forms of financing, as well as information and data on the panorama of the institute of securitization of receivables vis-à-vis the market in recent years, thus demonstrating that securitization is, in fact, a financing tool that has been consolidating and has been gaining its deserved space in the Brazilian market.
securitização de recebíveis , financiamento , patrimônio separado , securitization of receivables , financing , separate heritage