A aplicação da reparação civil em casos de alienação parental
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Oliveira, Vitória Mantelle Tavares de
Bortolai Junior, Orlando
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Os diversos sentimentos, como tristeza, culpa, raiva, disputa e saudade, que são experienciados por um filho quando vivenciam situações de divórcio conflituoso ou não de seus genitores são incontestáveis. Ao falar de tristeza, muitas vezes pode estar ligada ao afastamento de um dos genitores, por uma falta de convívio, advinda de um afastamento natural, ou de forma imposta por um de seus genitores que age de forma consciente ou inconsciente. Este afastamento forçado é extremamente prejudicial para o desenvolvimento deste indivíduo vulnerável que ainda está em formação, sendo está uma das diversas formas de Alienação Parental. A consciência da prática deste ato é algo essencial para a estruturação de famílias nas quais os genitores decidem, por diversos motivos, se separar. Dessa forma, visando o bem-estar do vulnerável, do genitor alienado e da estruturação da base familiar que irá formatar este ser em desenvolvimento, a aplicação de penalidades e reparações civis se faz essencial, tendo por finalidade a diminuição e consciência dos efeitos da Alienação Parental.
The several feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anger, disputes and missing each other that are experienced by children when they experience situations of conflictive or non-conflictive divorce from their parents are unquestionable. When talking about sadness, many times it can be linked to the estrangement of one of the parents, due to a lack of coexistence resulting from a natural estrangement or imposed by one of the parents acting consciously or unconsciously. This forced removal is extremely harmful to the development of this vulnerable child, who is still in formation, and is one of the many forms of parental alienation. The awareness of the practice of this act is essential for the structuring of families in which the parents decide, for various reasons, to separate. Thus, aiming at the vulnerable's well-being, the alienated parent and the structuring of the family base that will format this developing being, the application of penalties and civil reparations is essential, having as purpose the decrease and awareness of the effects of parental alienation.
The several feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anger, disputes and missing each other that are experienced by children when they experience situations of conflictive or non-conflictive divorce from their parents are unquestionable. When talking about sadness, many times it can be linked to the estrangement of one of the parents, due to a lack of coexistence resulting from a natural estrangement or imposed by one of the parents acting consciously or unconsciously. This forced removal is extremely harmful to the development of this vulnerable child, who is still in formation, and is one of the many forms of parental alienation. The awareness of the practice of this act is essential for the structuring of families in which the parents decide, for various reasons, to separate. Thus, aiming at the vulnerable's well-being, the alienated parent and the structuring of the family base that will format this developing being, the application of penalties and civil reparations is essential, having as purpose the decrease and awareness of the effects of parental alienation.
alienação parental , síndrome de alienação parental , reparação civil , parental alienation , parental alienation syndrome , civil redress