Superendividamento e acesso ao crédito sob a luz da legislação brasileira
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Bertuchi, Stephanie Clemente
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Membros da banca
A facilitação do acesso ao crédito no Brasil, graças aos planos econômicos realizados pelo Estado no final dos anos 90, ampliou a aquisição de empréstimos e financiamentos a todos os brasileiros, em especial à população de baixa renda, que conquistou bens de consumo de alto valor aquisitivo devido a este crédito. Com isto, a legislação brasileira originou medidas protetivas para o consumidor, já garantidas pela Carta Magna, como a Lei n. 8.078/90 (Código de Defesa do Consumidor), e a Lei n. 14.181/2021 (que disciplina sobre a prevenção e o tratamento do superendividamento). Mas, devido às altas taxas de juros, à falta de educação financeira – em especial da população de baixa renda –, as práticas agressivas de marketing e, em especial, ao posicionamento dos Tribunais em relação a aplicação das normas consumeristas que nem sempre favorecem o consumidor, grande parte da população encontra-se atualmente em situação de superendividamento, não conseguindo honrar com seus compromissos financeiros. Diante da problemática e frisando a importância do tema, este trabalho tratará das normas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais que protegem o consumidor superendividado, em contraponto com as normas legais, conjuntamente com a jurisprudência dos Tribunais, que logram em proteger o consumidor em situação de vulnerabilidade.
The facilitation of access to credit in Brazil, thanks to the economic plans carried out by the State in the late 1990s, expanded the acquisition of loans and financingto all Brazilians, especially the low-income population, who acquired high-value consumer goods due to to this credit. With the increase in access to credit, Brazilian legislation gave rise to protective measures for consumers, already guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, such as Law n. 8.078/90 (Consumer Defense Code), Law no. 14.181/2021 (which regulates the prevention and treatment of over-indebtedness). But, due to the high interest rates, the lack of financial education - especially among the low-income population -, the aggressive marketing practices and, in particular, the positioning of the Courts in relation to the application of consumerist norms that do not always favor the consumer, a large part of the population is currently in a situation of over-indebtedness, unable to honor its financial commitments. Faced with the problem and emphasizing the importance of the subject, this work will deal with the constitutional and infraconstitutional norms that protect the over-indebted consumer, in contrast to the legal norms, together with the jurisprudence of the Courts, which manage to protect the consumer in a situation of vulnerability.
The facilitation of access to credit in Brazil, thanks to the economic plans carried out by the State in the late 1990s, expanded the acquisition of loans and financingto all Brazilians, especially the low-income population, who acquired high-value consumer goods due to to this credit. With the increase in access to credit, Brazilian legislation gave rise to protective measures for consumers, already guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, such as Law n. 8.078/90 (Consumer Defense Code), Law no. 14.181/2021 (which regulates the prevention and treatment of over-indebtedness). But, due to the high interest rates, the lack of financial education - especially among the low-income population -, the aggressive marketing practices and, in particular, the positioning of the Courts in relation to the application of consumerist norms that do not always favor the consumer, a large part of the population is currently in a situation of over-indebtedness, unable to honor its financial commitments. Faced with the problem and emphasizing the importance of the subject, this work will deal with the constitutional and infraconstitutional norms that protect the over-indebted consumer, in contrast to the legal norms, together with the jurisprudence of the Courts, which manage to protect the consumer in a situation of vulnerability.
superendividamento , acesso à crédito , relação de consumo , over-indebtedness , access to credit , consumer relations