Dolo eventual e culpa consciente sob a ótica do julgamento da Boate Kiss
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Golfetto, Mirella
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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Os elementos do crime e a teoria tripartida do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, conhecidos como fato típico, fato antijurídico e fato culpável. Conceituação de dolo eventual e culpa consciente e suas aplicações no direito brasileiro. Buscando ao longo do trabalho diferenciar ambos os institutos por meio dos conceitos de vontade e conhecimento. Por meio dessa diferenciação, busca-se entender o tipo penal imputado aos réus no caso do incêndio da Boate Kiss, em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. O julgamento do caso e a adoção do dolo eventual por parte do Tribunal do Júri. As implicações do dolo eventual em detrimento da culpa consciente no direito brasileiro. O presente trabalho, traz a discussão do papel da mídia e o da banalização do dolo eventual em decisões judiciais, principalmente no caso em análise e como esse papel midiático contribui para aplicações penais cada vez mais severas no sistema penal brasileiro.
The elements of crime and the tripartite theory of the Brazilian legal system, known as typical fact, unlawful fact and culpable fact. Conceptualization of premeditated murder from manslaughter and its applications in Brazilian law. Seeking throughout the work to differentiate both institutes through the concepts of will and knowledge. Through this differentiation, we seek to understand the criminal offense attributed to the defendants in the case of the fire at Kiss Nightclub, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The judgment of the case and the adoption of premeditated murder by the Jury Court. The implications of premeditated murder to the detriment of manslaughter in Brazilian law. The present work discusses the role of the media and the banalization of premeditated murder in judicial decisions, especially in the case under analysis, and how this media role contributes to increasingly severe criminal applications in the Brazilian penal system.
The elements of crime and the tripartite theory of the Brazilian legal system, known as typical fact, unlawful fact and culpable fact. Conceptualization of premeditated murder from manslaughter and its applications in Brazilian law. Seeking throughout the work to differentiate both institutes through the concepts of will and knowledge. Through this differentiation, we seek to understand the criminal offense attributed to the defendants in the case of the fire at Kiss Nightclub, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The judgment of the case and the adoption of premeditated murder by the Jury Court. The implications of premeditated murder to the detriment of manslaughter in Brazilian law. The present work discusses the role of the media and the banalization of premeditated murder in judicial decisions, especially in the case under analysis, and how this media role contributes to increasingly severe criminal applications in the Brazilian penal system.
dolo eventual , culpa consciente , julgamento da boate kiss , premeditated murder , manslaughter , kiss nightclub judgment