Impactos da “LGPD” nos processos seletivos de emprego
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Gomes, Matheus Machado
Assis, Carlos Augusto de
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O presente trabalho tratou a respeito dos impactos ocasionados pela Lei Geral de
Proteção de Dados no âmbito dos processos seletivos de emprego. O principal objetivo foi
examinar o contexto histórico e principiológico da referida lei e, por conseguinte, tratar de
forma clara sobre as diretrizes que influenciam os processos seletivos de emprego, a fim de
versar sobre quais dados pessoais dos candidatos podem ser coletados, à luz da Lei Geral de
Proteção de Dados.
The present work dealt with the impacts caused by the General Data Protection Law in the scope of selective employment processes. The main objective was to examine the historical and principled context of the aforementioned law and, therefore, to deal clearly with the guidelines that influence job selection processes, in order to discuss what personal data of candidates can be collected, in the light of the General Data Protection Act.
The present work dealt with the impacts caused by the General Data Protection Law in the scope of selective employment processes. The main objective was to examine the historical and principled context of the aforementioned law and, therefore, to deal clearly with the guidelines that influence job selection processes, in order to discuss what personal data of candidates can be collected, in the light of the General Data Protection Act.
dados , coleta , candidatos , data , collect , candidates