O tratamento jurídico dispensado às mulheres mediante diagnóstico da “síndrome da mulher espancada”
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Sanches, Maria Teresa Gonçalves
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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O presente trabalho objetiva o estudo da “Síndrome da Mulher Espancada” no contexto de mulheres que, após vivenciarem mais de um ciclo de violência doméstica, acabam por matar seus cônjuges e companheiros, diante da ineficácia da máquina pública e dos efeitos arraigados do machismo na sociedade brasileira. A título de exemplificação, analisar-se-á o caso de Jadielma dos Santos Silva que, tendo sofrido inúmeras agressões ao longo de seu relacionamento, contra si e seus filhos, recorreu ao homicídio de seu companheiro para escapar das constantes violências e ameaças contra sua integridade física e sua vida. Além de contextualizar a “Síndrome da Mulher Espancada”, serão examinados os ditames da legislação penal no tocante aos casos de mulheres que matam antecipando futura e certa agressão, tipicamente em momento de vulnerabilidade de seu agressor, e casos em que a jurisprudência e doutrina brasileira adotaram a utilização da teoria cunhada por Lenore Walker na defesa de mulheres agredidas. O método a ser utilizado para a concretização da pesquisa foi documental e bibliográfico, tendo como foco o exame de jurisprudência, doutrina e legislação brasileira a fim de traçar uma linha de defesa a ser utilizada em casos de mulheres espancadas que matam.
This article aims at the study of the "Battered Woman Syndrome" in the context of women who, after experiencing more than one cycle of domestic violence, end up killing their spouses and partners, given the ineffectiveness of the public machine and the ingrained effects of the patriarchy in women's lives. As an example, the case of Jadielma dos Santos Silva is analyzed, who, having suffered numerous aggressions throughout her relationship, against herself and her children, resorted to the murder of her partner to escape the constant violence and threats against her life and physical integrity. In addition to contextualizing the "Syndrome of the Beaten Woman", the dictates of penal legislation are examined regarding cases of women who kill by premeditating future and certain aggression, typically in a moment of vulnerability of their aggressor, and cases in which Brazilian jurisprudence and doctrine adopted the use of the theory coined by Lenore Walker in the defense of battered women. The method used to carry out the research is documentary and bibliographic, focusing on the examination of jurisprudence, doctrine, and Brazilian legislation, to draw a line of defense to be used in cases of beaten women who kill.
This article aims at the study of the "Battered Woman Syndrome" in the context of women who, after experiencing more than one cycle of domestic violence, end up killing their spouses and partners, given the ineffectiveness of the public machine and the ingrained effects of the patriarchy in women's lives. As an example, the case of Jadielma dos Santos Silva is analyzed, who, having suffered numerous aggressions throughout her relationship, against herself and her children, resorted to the murder of her partner to escape the constant violence and threats against her life and physical integrity. In addition to contextualizing the "Syndrome of the Beaten Woman", the dictates of penal legislation are examined regarding cases of women who kill by premeditating future and certain aggression, typically in a moment of vulnerability of their aggressor, and cases in which Brazilian jurisprudence and doctrine adopted the use of the theory coined by Lenore Walker in the defense of battered women. The method used to carry out the research is documentary and bibliographic, focusing on the examination of jurisprudence, doctrine, and Brazilian legislation, to draw a line of defense to be used in cases of beaten women who kill.
violência doméstica , síndrome da mulher espancada , lei Maria da Penha , domestic violence , battered woman syndrome , Maria da Penha law