Análise do tratamento punitivo das “mulas” do tráfico
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Melo, Maria Fernanda Moura
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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O presente trabalho se dedica a estudar a eficiência da lei de drogas, com enfoque principal no papel das mulas do tráfico, responsáveis pelo transporte das drogas, que evidenciam a falha da política de drogas e do modelo repressivo proibicionista. O arcabouço teórico desse artigo é o entendimento da doutrina e da jurisprudência dos tribunais à luz da constituição e dos princípios do direito penal. Por conta da generalização dos dispositivos lei, há entendimentos divergentes e até opostos, o que faz com que os magistrados tenham que recorrer a critérios extremamente subjetivos, o que implica na arbitrariedade, o que não pode ser admitido. As análises realizadas, especialmente no que concerne a política nacional de combate às drogas, demonstraram que é necessário de alteração legal para que as mulas sejam tipificadas separadamente dos traficantes usuais, em razão de sua extrema vulnerabilidade e ainda porque sua contribuição tem relevância mínima para a conjuntura geral do tráfico de drogas, sendo que, conforme são intituladas, servem apenas como “burros de carga”, sendo objetos para satisfazer a atividade ilícita que beneficia apenas as organizações criminosas.
This paper is dedicated to studying the efficiency of the anti-drug law, with the main focus on the role of the so-called "drug mules", who are responsible for transporting drugs, which show the failure of the drug policy and the repressive prohibitionist model. The theoretical framework of this article is the understanding of the doctrine and the jurisprudence of the courts in light of the constitution and the principles of criminal law. Due to the generalization of provisions of the law, there are divergent and even opposing understandings, which makes those magistrates have to resort to extremely subjective criteria, which implies arbitrariness, which cannot be admitted. The analyses carried out, especially with regard to the national drug policy, have shown that there is a need to amend the law so that mules can be classified separately from the usual traffickers, due to their extreme vulnerability and also because their contribution has minimal relevance of the general conjuncture of drug trafficking, and as they are called, they serve only as "workhorses", being object to satisfy the illicit activity that benefits only criminal organizations.
This paper is dedicated to studying the efficiency of the anti-drug law, with the main focus on the role of the so-called "drug mules", who are responsible for transporting drugs, which show the failure of the drug policy and the repressive prohibitionist model. The theoretical framework of this article is the understanding of the doctrine and the jurisprudence of the courts in light of the constitution and the principles of criminal law. Due to the generalization of provisions of the law, there are divergent and even opposing understandings, which makes those magistrates have to resort to extremely subjective criteria, which implies arbitrariness, which cannot be admitted. The analyses carried out, especially with regard to the national drug policy, have shown that there is a need to amend the law so that mules can be classified separately from the usual traffickers, due to their extreme vulnerability and also because their contribution has minimal relevance of the general conjuncture of drug trafficking, and as they are called, they serve only as "workhorses", being object to satisfy the illicit activity that benefits only criminal organizations.
tráfico de drogas , mulas , direitos humanos , drug trafficking , mules , human rights