A responsabilidade civil dos administradores de sociedades anônimas de capital aberto
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Pereira, Lucca Miguel Margoni
Rovai, Armando Luiz
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Membros da banca
O artigo analisa de maneira sucinta e prática a responsabilidade civil dos
administradores de sociedades anônimas de capital aberto, através da Lei nº 6.404/76. Busca
responder se a legislação abordou as hipóteses da responsabilidade civil corretamente, de forma
a equilibrar a conduta danosa e a responsabilização do administrador da companhia aberta.
Dividido em capítulos, o artigo inicialmente aborda um breve histórico e a evolução da
responsabilidade civil, adiante, é conceituado a responsabilidade civil objetiva e subjetiva, em
seguida é abordado às atualidades da responsabilidade civil dos administradores. Ademais, são
apresentados os pressupostos da responsabilidade civil dos administradores, discutindo assim
o fato antijurídico, nexo de causalidade e o dano. No mesmo capítulo é abordada a regulação
da responsabilidade civil dos administradores perante Lei das Sociedades Anônimas, a
responsabilização civil dos administradores sobre a ótica individual e solidária, além disso, é
discutida a regulação da responsabilidade civil dos administradores perante a Lei das
Sociedades Anônimas. No último capítulo é apresentado as causas extintivas da
responsabilidade civil, principalmente a renúncia, a remissão e a transação; a prescrição; e a
liberação resultante da aprovação sem reservas do balanço e das contas, por fim,é apresentado
algumas críticas desenvolvidas pela doutrina a fim de abarcar de forma objetiva as hipóteses
das causas extintivas da responsabilidade do artigo 159, § 6º da Lei nº 6.404/76.
The article analyzes in a succinct and practical manner the civil liability of directors of publiclyheld companies, through Law no. 6,404/76. It seeks to answer whether the legislation has approached the hypotheses of civil liability correctly, to balance the harmful conduct and the accountability of the administrator of the publiclyheld corporation. Divided into chapters, the article initially addresses a brief history and the evolution of civil liability, further on, the objective and subjective civil liability is conceptualized, and then the actualities of the civil liability of administrators are addressed. Furthermore, the assumptions of civil liability of administrators are presented, thus discussing the unlawful act, the causal connection, and the damage. In the same chapter, the regulation of the civil liability of the managers before the Corporations Law is approached, the civil liability of the managers on the individual and joint standpoint, furthermore, the regulation of the civil liability of the managers before the Corporations Law is discussed. In the last chapter, the extinctive causes of civil liability are presented, mainly the waiver, the remission, and the transaction; the prescription; and the release resulting from the unreserved approval of the balance sheet and accounts. Finally, some criticism developed by the doctrine is presented to cover in an objective manner the hypotheses of the extinctive causes of liability of article 159, § 6º of Law no 6.404/76.
The article analyzes in a succinct and practical manner the civil liability of directors of publiclyheld companies, through Law no. 6,404/76. It seeks to answer whether the legislation has approached the hypotheses of civil liability correctly, to balance the harmful conduct and the accountability of the administrator of the publiclyheld corporation. Divided into chapters, the article initially addresses a brief history and the evolution of civil liability, further on, the objective and subjective civil liability is conceptualized, and then the actualities of the civil liability of administrators are addressed. Furthermore, the assumptions of civil liability of administrators are presented, thus discussing the unlawful act, the causal connection, and the damage. In the same chapter, the regulation of the civil liability of the managers before the Corporations Law is approached, the civil liability of the managers on the individual and joint standpoint, furthermore, the regulation of the civil liability of the managers before the Corporations Law is discussed. In the last chapter, the extinctive causes of civil liability are presented, mainly the waiver, the remission, and the transaction; the prescription; and the release resulting from the unreserved approval of the balance sheet and accounts. Finally, some criticism developed by the doctrine is presented to cover in an objective manner the hypotheses of the extinctive causes of liability of article 159, § 6º of Law no 6.404/76.
responsabilidade civil , sociedades anônimas de capital aberto , administradores , civil liability , publicly held corporation , manager