Tratamento dispensado ao criminoso psicopata no sistema penal brasileiro
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Wijtenko, Yasmin Daniel
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso busca realizar um estudo aprofundado a respeito da psicopatia sob a luz do conhecimento proporcionado por estudiosos da área da psicologia e psiquiatria para que, dessa forma, seja possível refletir sobre a eficácia das respostas estatais conferidas a esses sujeitos no sistema penal brasileiro. Deste modo, com o objetivo de proporcionar amplo conhecimento a respeito do assunto, ao longo dos capítulos estudaremos o conceito de crime e de psicopatia, seu adequado enquadramento como imputável, semi-imputável ou inimputável, o que nos permite notar que a legislação penal brasileira ainda carece de um tratamento especializado para os psicopatas, os quais hoje não são entendidos pela ciência médica como enfermos mentais, e sim portadores do denominado transtorno de personalidade antissocial, apresentando características singulares que muito os diferenciam dos criminosos comuns, motivo pelo qual as sanções existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro atual não tem apresentado resultados eficazes, o que justifica a necessidade de implementação de tratamentos alternativos e direcionados especialmente para essa parcela de detentos e que demonstrem resultados mais satisfatórios em termos de ressocialização e reincidência criminal.
This final paper seeks to carry out an in-depth study on psychopathy based on the knowledge provided by psychology and psychiatry scholars allowing reflection on the effectiveness of state responses given to these subjects in the brazilian criminal system. In order to provide extensive knowledge on the subject, throughout the chapters we will study the concept of crime and psychopathy, its appropriate framework as imputable, semi-imputable or unimputable, allowing to notice that brazilian criminal law still lacks a specialized treatment for psychopaths, whom today are not understood by medical science as mentally ill, but as individuals with the so-called antisocial personality disorder, presenting unique features that differentiate them from common criminals, which is why the sanctions in the current brazilian criminal system have not shown effective results, justifying the need to implement alternative treatments and aimed especially at this portion of detainees, as well as demonstrating more satisfactory results in terms of resocialization and criminal recidivism.
This final paper seeks to carry out an in-depth study on psychopathy based on the knowledge provided by psychology and psychiatry scholars allowing reflection on the effectiveness of state responses given to these subjects in the brazilian criminal system. In order to provide extensive knowledge on the subject, throughout the chapters we will study the concept of crime and psychopathy, its appropriate framework as imputable, semi-imputable or unimputable, allowing to notice that brazilian criminal law still lacks a specialized treatment for psychopaths, whom today are not understood by medical science as mentally ill, but as individuals with the so-called antisocial personality disorder, presenting unique features that differentiate them from common criminals, which is why the sanctions in the current brazilian criminal system have not shown effective results, justifying the need to implement alternative treatments and aimed especially at this portion of detainees, as well as demonstrating more satisfactory results in terms of resocialization and criminal recidivism.
direito penal , psicopatia , transtorno de personalidade antissocial , imputabilidade , criminal law , psychopathy , antisocial personality disorder , imputability