A pandemia da Covid-19 e seus reflexos na violência doméstica e feminicídio
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Everton, Suzankarlla Santos
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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A violência contra as mulheres é uma realidade vivida em todo o mundo. Segundo
dados mundiais, 30% das mulheres que estiveram em um relacionamento amoroso já sofreram
com a violência física e/ou sexual praticada pelo seu parceiro íntimo em algum momento. E
com a pandemia da Covid-19 as mulheres sentiram essa violência piorar. Assim, o presente
estudo teve como objetivo analisar se o período pandêmico favoreceu o aumento de casos de
violência doméstica e feminicídio no Brasil. Como forma de desenvolver o presente trabalho,
o estudo dedicou-se a conceituar as formas de violência contra as mulheres; investigar na
legislação brasileira normas relacionadas ao combate da violência doméstica e feminicídio;
realizar um levantamento de dados sobre a violência doméstica e feminicídio durante a
pandemia no Brasil e verificar se o cumprimento do isolamento social durante a pandemia da
Covid-19 favoreceu o índice de números de violência doméstica/feminicídio no Brasil e no
mundo. A metodologia empregada foi à bibliográfica e descritiva, analisando artigos
científicos, teses, relatórios de organismos nacionais e internacionais e reportagens, fazendo
assim uma relação com o fenômeno da violência doméstica e feminicídio, valendo-se ainda
das normas, leis e decretos criados no combate à violência e discriminação contra as
mulheres. O método de abordagem foi o quantitativo e qualitativo, uma vez que realizado
uma interpretação dos dados trazidos pelo estudo a respeito da violência contra a mulher.
Constatou-se que houve aumento no número de registros de violência doméstica e de
feminicídio no ano de 2020, comparado aos anos anteriores.
The violence against woman is a reality in all the world. Second world data, 30% of the women that were in a love relationship experienced physical and/or sexual violence by your intimate partner in their lifetime. And with the Covid-19 pandemic the women felt this violence get worse. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyse whether the pandemic period contributed tothe increase in cases of domestic violence and feminicide in Brazil. As a way of developing the present work, the study dedicated to conceptualizing the ways of violence against women; to investigate in Brazilian legislation norms related to the fight against domestic violence and feminicide; carry out a data collection on domestic violence and feminicide during the pandemic in Brazil and verify if the compliance of social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic favored the index of numbers of domestic violence/feminicide in Brazil and in the world. The methodology used was bibliographic and descriptive, analysing scientific articles, theses, reports from national and international organizations and reports, thus making a relationship with the phenomenon of domestic violence and feminicide. It also made use of the norms, laws and decrees created on combating domestic violence. The approach method quantitative and qualitative, since an interpretation of the data brought by the study about violence against women was performed. It was found an increase in the number of records of domestic violence and feminicide in 2020, compared with the previous years.
The violence against woman is a reality in all the world. Second world data, 30% of the women that were in a love relationship experienced physical and/or sexual violence by your intimate partner in their lifetime. And with the Covid-19 pandemic the women felt this violence get worse. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyse whether the pandemic period contributed tothe increase in cases of domestic violence and feminicide in Brazil. As a way of developing the present work, the study dedicated to conceptualizing the ways of violence against women; to investigate in Brazilian legislation norms related to the fight against domestic violence and feminicide; carry out a data collection on domestic violence and feminicide during the pandemic in Brazil and verify if the compliance of social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic favored the index of numbers of domestic violence/feminicide in Brazil and in the world. The methodology used was bibliographic and descriptive, analysing scientific articles, theses, reports from national and international organizations and reports, thus making a relationship with the phenomenon of domestic violence and feminicide. It also made use of the norms, laws and decrees created on combating domestic violence. The approach method quantitative and qualitative, since an interpretation of the data brought by the study about violence against women was performed. It was found an increase in the number of records of domestic violence and feminicide in 2020, compared with the previous years.
violência doméstica , feminicídio , pandemia da Covid-19 , domestic violence , feminicide , Covid-19 pandemic