A autoconstrução como prática formadora de espaços vivos: Favela Maria Luíza
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Sotero, Simone Alves
Claro, Mauro
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Este Trabalho Final de Graduação (TFG)
apresenta a autoconstrução como uma prática
que forma espaços de sociabilidades na cidade
informal. A narrativa que desenvolve na pesquisa
tem como finalidade verificar a existência desses
espaços e o modo de apropriação dos
moradores na Favela Maria Luiza, além de
analisar a forma construtiva do território e seus
impactos na saúde da população envolvia
principalmente no período de pandemia
caudada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Busca também investigar o que de políticas
públicas estão sendo discutidas para garantir aos
moradores de aglomerados urbanos o direito à
moradia digna. Para tal, analisa-se brevemente a
formação das favelas paulistana e as questões
nelas presentes, investiga-se planos, instrumentos
urbanísticos e leis que viabilizam intervenções de
melhorias nestes territórios, busca compreender a
autoconstrução exercida hoje e sua contribuição
na construção de espaços de interesse social e
utiliza-se de entrevistas com moradores e
aproxima-se de atores sociais presentes no bairro
para compreender a relação entre o morador e
lugar. Com isso, propor intervenções cirúrgicas de
recuperação ambiental, melhorias habitacionais
e criação de espaços públicos que se aproxime
da realidade da área, procurando respeitar o
espaço existente e seus habitantes.
Palavras-chave: Autoconstrução; Favela Maria
Luiza; Espaços de sociabilidade; Direito à moradia
This Final Graduation Work (TFG) presents self-construction as a practice that forms spaces of sociability in the informal city. The narrative that develops in the research aims to verify the existence of these spaces and the mode of appropriation of the residents in Favela Maria Luiza, in addition to analyzing the constructive form of the territory and its impacts on the health of the population involved especially in the period of pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). It also seeks to investigate what public policies are being discussed to guarantee the residents of urban agglomerations the right to decent housing. To this end, it briefly analyzes the formation of favelas in São Paulo and the issues present in them, investigates plans, urban instruments and laws that enable interventions to improve these territories, seeking to understand the self-construction exercised today and its contribution to the construction of spaces of interest social and uses interviews with residents and approaches social actors present in the neighborhood to understand the relationship between the resident and place. With this, propose surgical interventions for environmental recovery, housing improvements and creation of public spaces that approach the reality of the area, seeking to respect the existing space and its inhabitants. Keywords: Self-construction; Favela Maria Luiza; Sociability spaces; Right to decent housing
This Final Graduation Work (TFG) presents self-construction as a practice that forms spaces of sociability in the informal city. The narrative that develops in the research aims to verify the existence of these spaces and the mode of appropriation of the residents in Favela Maria Luiza, in addition to analyzing the constructive form of the territory and its impacts on the health of the population involved especially in the period of pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). It also seeks to investigate what public policies are being discussed to guarantee the residents of urban agglomerations the right to decent housing. To this end, it briefly analyzes the formation of favelas in São Paulo and the issues present in them, investigates plans, urban instruments and laws that enable interventions to improve these territories, seeking to understand the self-construction exercised today and its contribution to the construction of spaces of interest social and uses interviews with residents and approaches social actors present in the neighborhood to understand the relationship between the resident and place. With this, propose surgical interventions for environmental recovery, housing improvements and creation of public spaces that approach the reality of the area, seeking to respect the existing space and its inhabitants. Keywords: Self-construction; Favela Maria Luiza; Sociability spaces; Right to decent housing
informal , Favela , moradores , pandemia