A (in)constitucionalidade do regime de separação obrigatória aos nubentes maiores de 70 (setenta) anos
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Reis, Julio Cesar de Lucena
Guilherme, Luiz Fernando do Vale de Almeida
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O presente artigo tem como finalidade a discussão acerca da imposição do Regime de Separação Obrigatória aos Nubentes Maiores de 70 (Setenta) Anos, através de uma reflexão geral do Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa, do artigo 1.641, inciso II, do Código Civil, entre outros arti- gos da legislação, bem como a Súmula 377 do STF e a Carta Magna de 1988. Ainda, este trabalho consiste em uma argumentação embasada em entendimentos jurisprudenciais e dou- trinários, que auxiliaram na conclusão deste estudo. No mais, nota-se que, dentro de nosso Es- tado Democrático de Direito, é de extrema importância que nossa sociedade seja pautada pela igualdade a todos os cidadãos, uma vez que qualquer atitude ou comportamento discriminatório ensejaria em violação aos princípios que sustentam nosso ordenamento jurídico. No presente caso, de certo que impor uma restrição a um determinado grupo de indivíduos, qual seja as pessoas idosas, ainda que com o pretexto de proteção, é agir de modo arbitrário e contrário à nossa Constituição Federal de 1988, motivo pelo qual o trabalho a seguir tenta explicitar os problemas e os perigoso ao impor o regime de separação obrigatória aos nubentes maiores de 70 (setenta) anos sendo, inclusive, uma afronta à nossa segurança jurídica, como será mostrado adiante. Através dos argumentos que serão trazidos à tona, não restarão dúvidas acerca da In- constitucionalidade no tocante à essa vedação, responsável por desencadear um tratamento de- sigual e desrespeitoso para com as pessoas idosas. Destarte, ao longo do trabalho ficará evidente que esta proibição não se encontra concernente aos princípios da dignidade da pessoa humana, da liberdade e da igualdade, da autonomia privada, entre outros, os quais são inerentes a todos cidadãos e devem, necessariamente, ser respeitados. Ainda, pode-se mencionar que tal assunto representa uma grande relevância, tanto jurídica quanto social, uma vez que comporta o trata- mento do Estado concedido aos sujeitos idosos que, com a presente evolução de nossa socie- dade, vêm cada vez mais representando uma parcela significativa de nossa população. Ao final disso, destaca-se, ainda, que a família é a base de nossa sociedade, a qual é concretizada e formada através do casamento, onde os envolvidos possuem o livre arbítrio de escolha no to- cante ao regime de bens, ao passo que vedar essa liberdade de escolha pode ser considerado uma ameaça à consolidação de novas famílias, ou ainda, de certa forma um desincentivo à tal prática.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the imposition of the Mandatory Separation Regime to the Engaged Persons Over 70 (Seventy) Years, through a general reflection of the Statute of the Elderly, of article 1.641, item II, of the Civil Code, among others. articles of the legislation, as well as the Precedent 377 of the STF and the Magna Carta of 1988. Also, this work consists of an argument based on jurisprudential and doctrinal understand- ings, which helped in the conclusion of this study. Furthermore, it is noted that, within our Democratic State of Law, it is extremely important that our society be guided by equality for all citizens, since any discriminatory attitude or behavior would lead to a violation of the principles that support our legal system. In the present case, it is certain that to impose a restriction on a certain group of individuals, namely the elderly, even with the pretext of protection, is to act arbitrarily and contrary to our Federal Constitution of 1988, reason for which the following work tries to explain the problems and the dangerous ones when im- posing the mandatory separation regime to the spouses over 70 (seventy) years old, being, even, an affront to our legal security, as will be shown below. Through the arguments that will be brought to light, there will be no doubts about the Unconstitutionality regarding this prohibition, responsible for triggering an unequal and disrespectful treatment towards the elderly. Thus, throughout the work it will be evident that this prohibition is not related to the principles of human dignity, freedom and equality, private autonomy, among others, which are inherent to all citizens and must, necessarily, be be respected. Still, it can be mentioned that this matter represents a great relevance, both legal and social, since it in- volves the treatment of the State granted to elderly subjects who, with the present evolution of our society, are increasingly representing a portion significant part of our population. At the end of this, it is also highlighted that the family is the basis of our society, which is concretized and formed through marriage, where those involved have the free will of choice regarding the property regime, while sealing this freedom of choice can be considered a threat to the consolidation of new families, or even, in a certain way, a disincentive to such a practice.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the imposition of the Mandatory Separation Regime to the Engaged Persons Over 70 (Seventy) Years, through a general reflection of the Statute of the Elderly, of article 1.641, item II, of the Civil Code, among others. articles of the legislation, as well as the Precedent 377 of the STF and the Magna Carta of 1988. Also, this work consists of an argument based on jurisprudential and doctrinal understand- ings, which helped in the conclusion of this study. Furthermore, it is noted that, within our Democratic State of Law, it is extremely important that our society be guided by equality for all citizens, since any discriminatory attitude or behavior would lead to a violation of the principles that support our legal system. In the present case, it is certain that to impose a restriction on a certain group of individuals, namely the elderly, even with the pretext of protection, is to act arbitrarily and contrary to our Federal Constitution of 1988, reason for which the following work tries to explain the problems and the dangerous ones when im- posing the mandatory separation regime to the spouses over 70 (seventy) years old, being, even, an affront to our legal security, as will be shown below. Through the arguments that will be brought to light, there will be no doubts about the Unconstitutionality regarding this prohibition, responsible for triggering an unequal and disrespectful treatment towards the elderly. Thus, throughout the work it will be evident that this prohibition is not related to the principles of human dignity, freedom and equality, private autonomy, among others, which are inherent to all citizens and must, necessarily, be be respected. Still, it can be mentioned that this matter represents a great relevance, both legal and social, since it in- volves the treatment of the State granted to elderly subjects who, with the present evolution of our society, are increasingly representing a portion significant part of our population. At the end of this, it is also highlighted that the family is the basis of our society, which is concretized and formed through marriage, where those involved have the free will of choice regarding the property regime, while sealing this freedom of choice can be considered a threat to the consolidation of new families, or even, in a certain way, a disincentive to such a practice.
pessoa idosa , direito civil , inconstitucionalidade , elderly person , civil law , unconstitutionality