Análise do patrimônio de afetação em incorporação imobiliária
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Guedes, Hugo Sencades
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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A incorporação imobiliária é uma das principais ferramentas da sociedade contemporânea para a urbanização. Através desse procedimento, foi possível observar a verticalização e capacitação de grandes centros para acolher a massa populacional crescente que os integram. Entretanto, com o desenvolvimento da sociedade, foram aparecendo modelos de fracasso na realização de incorporações imobiliárias, urgindo a necessidade de um instituto que minimizasse os riscos de abandono de obras, confusão patrimonial e inadimplência dos incorporadores, o patrimônio de afetação. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os modelos de negócios imobiliários supracitados, explorando o surgimento e aplicação contemporânea dos referidos institutos, trazendo breves reflexões sobre as alterações provocadas pela recém publicada Lei 14.382/2022 e pontos que serão debatidos para um avanço da legislação imobiliária no Brasil.
Real estate development is one of the main tools of contemporary society for urbanization. Through this procedure, it was possible to observe the verticalization and qualification of large centers to receive the growing population mass that integrates them. However, with the development of society, models of failure appeared in the realization of real estate developments, urging the need for an institute that would minimize the risks of abandonment of works, property confusion and default by developers, the segregated estate. This article aims to analyze the aforementioned real estate business models, exploring the emergence and contemporary application of said institutes, bringing brief reflections on the changes brought about by the recently published Law 14.382/2022 and points that will are debated for an advancement of the real estate legislation in Brazil.
Real estate development is one of the main tools of contemporary society for urbanization. Through this procedure, it was possible to observe the verticalization and qualification of large centers to receive the growing population mass that integrates them. However, with the development of society, models of failure appeared in the realization of real estate developments, urging the need for an institute that would minimize the risks of abandonment of works, property confusion and default by developers, the segregated estate. This article aims to analyze the aforementioned real estate business models, exploring the emergence and contemporary application of said institutes, bringing brief reflections on the changes brought about by the recently published Law 14.382/2022 and points that will are debated for an advancement of the real estate legislation in Brazil.
incorporação imobiliária , patrimônio de afetação , real estate development , segregated estate